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*News and Events First Commercial Wind Power Plant Slated for Arizona Kansas Utility Seeks up to 200 Megawatts of Renewable Energy Solar Power Companies Reach New Heights in Efficiency Honda Fuel Cell Vehicle Passes Cold-Weather Test Fuel Cells Help Convert New York City Odors into Electricity Company Completes Construction of Wave Energy Converter *Site News Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Energy Web Site *Energy ConnectionsEIA Releases New Statistics on Alternative-Fueled Vehicles ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————-First Commercial Wind Power Plant Slated for ArizonaAPS, Arizona’s largest electric utility, announced last week that it will partner with Western Wind Energy Corporation, a Canadian company, to build the state’s first commercial wind power plant. The Eastern Arizona Wind Energy Center will be located near the New Mexico border in east-central Arizona, about 5 miles east of St. Johns. The wind energy facility will consist of ten 1.5-megawatt wind turbines for a total generating capacity of 15 megawatts. APS expects construction to begin in September, and the plant should begin producing power before year-end.APS is pursuing wind power in part to meet the requirements of the state’s Environmental Portfolio Standard, which requires utilities to generate 1.1 percent of their power from renewable energy […]
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*News and EventsEnergy Star Program Aims to Cut Energy Use in Power Supplies EPA Launches Partnership for Energy-Efficient Freight Maryland Launches High-Tech Program to Boost Mass Transit Ski Areas Buy Green Power, Use Solar to “Keep Winter Cool” Energy Star Program Aims to Cut Energy Use in Power SuppliesHere’s an energy fact that’s sure to appeal to the paranoid: little boxes plugged into outlets around your home and hidden in your electronic equipment are sapping about six percent of the nation’s electricity. No, this is not a result of some conspiracy, but rather a consequence of the many electronic devices that run on direct current (DC), the same kind of power produced by batteries. Since our power lines supply alternating current (AC), these devicesour cell phones, telephones, computers, and most other electronic devicesuse an AC/DC power supply (generally a transformer) to convert that AC power into the DC power the devices need. Unfortunately, some energy is lost in that power conversion, and for the nation as a whole, that adds up to about 207 billion kilowatts per year.According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more efficient power supplies could reduce that energy use by about 15 to 20 percent. […]
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*News and Events Dow Installs a 75-Kilowatt GM Fuel Cell, Earns DOE Kudos Engineers Find Economical Way to Make Hydrogen from Ethanol New Hampshire Slated to Earn Ethanol Exemption; California Wants In Natural-Gas and Hybrid-Electric Cars Top Green List Five Power Companies Commit to Clean Energy, Cap Greenhouse Gases Florida Power & Light Launches Green Power Program Dow Installs a 75-Kilowatt GM Fuel Cell, Earns DOE KudosDow Chemical Company began drawing on a 75-kilowatt fuel cell to help power its Texas Operations site in Freeport, Texas, on February 10th. The fuel cell, manufactured by General Motors Corporation (GM), marks the first concrete step in a Dow-GM fuel cell collaboration first announced in May 2003. Dow produces the hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell as a byproduct of its chemical manufacturing process; currently, Dow either burns the hydrogen in its boilers or sells it to industrial gas companies. Although the new installation is a test that will last four to six months, with more fuel cells to be added this summer, Dow and GM plan to eventually install 35 megawatts of fuel cells. That would meet two percent of the power needs for Dow’s Texas Operations site, which is Dow’s largest […]
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*News and Events Researchers Gain Insight on How Plants Split Water PacifiCorp Seeks 1,100 Megawatts of Renewable Energy Breakthrough May Shed Light on High-Temperature Superconductivity Two Large Solar Power Systems On Order in California Audubon Center Uses Only Solar Energy, Earns Greenest Rating *Energy Connections EIA Updates Summaries of Seven Energy-Intensive Industries ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————-Researchers Gain Insight on How Plants Split WaterPhotosynthesisthe process plants use to produce energy-rich carbohydrates using sunlightis the basis for all plant life on Earth, but the process remains poorly understood. At the heart of the photosynthetic process is a simple reaction that could be the key to our energy future: the technique that splits water into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen. In a plant, the oxygen is released to the atmosphere and the hydrogen is used to help produce the complex sugars that fuel the cells throughout the plant. But if people can replicate the process, the hydrogen could instead be used to fuel our vehicles and provide heat and power for our buildings.Last week, researchers at Imperial College London announced they had moved a step forward in understanding the water-splitting process, using high-resolution X-ray crystallography to study two protein complexes that […]
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*News and Events Zero Energy Home Displayed at International Builder’s Show Award-Winning Building Products and Projects Advance Energy Efficiency U.S. Wind Growth Nears Record in 2003, but 2004 Outlook Dim Ethanol Production Hits Record as MTBE Bans Take Effect Advances in Materials Show New Promise for Superconductors NASA Delivers Solar-Powered Vehicles to Mars Zero Energy Home Displayed at International Builder’s ShowAttendees at last week’s International Builder’s Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, had a chance to tour a custom home that, over the course of a year, will produce as much electricity as it uses. Called the “Ultimate Family Home,” it draws on two rooftop-mounted solar energy systems: one for power and another for hot water. A highly efficient air-conditioning system combines with good insulation, air sealing, and advanced windows to keep the 5,300-square-foot home comfortable. Other energy-saving highlights include tankless water heaters that deliver hot water only on demand, fluorescent and LED lighting, and heat-reflecting roof tiles combined with a radiant barrier for added energy savings and comfort. The home will use 90 percent less energy than a similar home built strictly to code.DOE started the Zero Energy Homes initiative to bring the latest research out of its national laboratories […]
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*News and Events U.S. and Philippines Join Forces on Sustainable Energy Projects International Builders Show Showcases Energy-Efficient Homes Companies Examine New Ways to Keep Buildings Cool Manhattan Skyscraper Owner Makes Large Green Power Purchase BPA Draws on Hydropower to Make Wind Energy More Attractive Altamont Wind Plants Sued for Failing to Prevent Bird Deaths *Energy Connections 2003 and 2002 Tied as Second-Warmest Years on Record ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————-U.S. and Philippines Join Forces on Sustainable Energy ProjectsU.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Philippine Secretary of Energy Vincente Perez signed a memorandum of understanding on January 13th to strengthen the Sustainable Energy Development Program between the two countries and to promote the use of cleaner-burning fuels in vehicles. The Sustainable Energy Development Program is a $5 million project sponsored by DOE, the Philippines Department of Energy, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). It includes efforts to develop a renewable energy bill for the Philippines and to expand the use of cleaner alternative fuels such as natural gas.While in the Philippines, Secretary Abraham also participated in a “Lights On” ceremony for the Alliance for Mindanao Off-Grid Renewable Energy (AMORE) Program. By December, the AMORE program aims to bring […]
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*News and Events Toyota, Lexus Unveil New Hybrid SUVs at Detroit Auto Show Department of Transportation Proposes Fuel Economy Reforms DOE Develops Hydrogen-Fueled Three-Wheel Vehicles for India Proposed Rule to Encourage Federal Purchasing of Bioproducts California Grants License for Largest U.S. Geothermal Plant World Trade Center’s Freedom Tower to Feature Wind Turbines*Site News Mark the New Year With a Free Calendar from EERE!*Energy Connections LNG Ministerial Summit Points to the Future of Natural Gas———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- Toyota, Lexus Unveil New Hybrid SUVs at Detroit Auto ShowToyota Motor Sales unveiled the 2005 Toyota Highlander Hybrid SUV (sport utility vehicle) on Sunday at the 2004 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), now underway in Detroit. Toyota’s first hybrid electric SUV will feature a 3.3-liter V6 engine coupled with a motor, offering a combined peak power of about 270 horsepower. The Highlander Hybrid will use a new version of the Hybrid Synergy Drive system that powers the Toyota Prius, with nearly double the battery power and more than twice the motor power. Although a front-wheel-drive version is standard, an optional four-wheel-drive package will use front and rear motors to deliver balanced power to all four wheels. According to Toyota, the Highlander […]
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*News and Events Planned 30-Megawatt Wind Power Plant is Nebraska’s Largest Utah BLM Completes First Geothermal Lease Sale Since 1988 Scientists Decode Genome of Energy-Producing Bacterium Solar Cell Companies Aim to Cut Costs by Cutting it Thin Fuel Cell Vehicles Proliferate on Land and Take to Sea Are Renewables, Efficiency on your Holiday Shopping List?Editor’s Note: The EERE Network News will be taking the next two weeksoff for the holidays. We’ll return with a New Year’s bundle of energynews on January 7th. Until then, we wish all our readers a joyous,renewable, and energy-efficient holiday season! (See this week’s finalnews story for some tips on how to achieve that!)Planned 30-Megawatt Wind Power Plant is Nebraska’s LargestThe Board of Directors for the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) gave its approval last week for the construction of a 30-megawatt wind power plant near Ainsworth, located in the central Nebraska near the South Dakota border. NPPD holds options to lease land for the wind energy facility, which will be the state’s largest. The utility may even expand the installation to 75 megawatts if it succeeds in selling wind power to other utilities. NPPD hopes to sell 10 megawatts of wind power to the Omaha […]
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*News and Events California to Host World’s Largest Photovoltaic System L.A. Utility Pursuing Power Production from Yard Waste New Water Pipeline Feeds World’s Largest Geothermal Facility California Marks the Success of its Renewable Energy Program Arizona Public Service Doubles Incentives for Solar Energy Toyota Boosts Prius Production for U.S. Market by 31 Percent*Site News Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS Information Center*Energy Connections New DOE Reports Highlight Climate Change Technologies———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- California to Host World’s Largest Photovoltaic SystemTrueSolar Solutions, LLC will build a 5-megawatt solar photovoltaic power system — the largest of its type in the world — in southern California’s Mojave Desert next year, according to Southern California Edison (SCE). The utility will buy all the power produced by the system under an agreement approved by the California Public Utility Commission on December 4th. TrueSolar Solutions will work with Global Solar Energy to begin construction of the system in early 2004. The solar power plant will be located on a 40-acre site near Barstow, about 80 miles northeast of Los Angeles. [sorry this link is no longer available]As reported in this newsletter a year ago, the largest photovoltaic system in the world is currently a 3.3-megawatt system in […]
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*News and Events Coming Soon: “Made With Renewable Energy” Labels on Products Aeronaut’s Goal: Around the World on Solar Power Seattle-Area Utility Pursues Wind Power, Energy Efficiency California Plant Begins Continuous Production of Biodiesel Canadian Company Continues to Advance BioOil Technology Two DOE-Funded Reports Show Promise for LED Lighting*Energy ConnectionsEPA’s Voluntary Programs Reduced Greenhouse Gases in 2002———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- Coming Soon: “Made With Renewable Energy” Labels on ProductsThe Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) — the people that brought you the “Green-e” certification for green power products — announced in early November that it will launch a new “Made With Renewable Energy” label for products in 2004. The label will feature the distinctive Green-e logo and will be available to companies that buy a “significant” amount of certified renewable energy for their buildings and factories. According to CRS, a number of companies have already applied for the label, including White Wave (a maker of soy milk products), the Interface Fabrics Group, Choice Organic Teas, and Lundberg Family Farms, a producer of rice. http://www.green-e.org/media_ed/made.htmlThis Thanksgiving, shoppers in much of the eastern United States had the opportunity to buy turkey that had been raised using 100 percent wind energy. Plainville Turkey Farms […]
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