First Solar On Tear Building Huge Solar Projects
The latest plant First Solar has been selected to build is the 250 MW McCoy Solar Plant in California.
The latest plant First Solar has been selected to build is the 250 MW McCoy Solar Plant in California.
Solana is the world's biggest parabolic trough concentrating solar plant, and the first in the US to produce electricity 18 hours a day.
Excel plans to double the amount of solar in Minnesota through community solar; prices for utility-scale solar are down two-thirds in just five years.
The 4 gigawatt solar project would cover 23,000 acres and produce enough electricity for 3 million American homes.
The company gets all its electricity from solar and has enough left over for an electric forklift and delivery fleet.
The companies are pre-qualified to compete for Army power purchase agreements that add up to $7 billion for all sources of renewables.
The 64,000 acre area has the potential for 3.3 GW of solar and 150 MW of geothernal.
The Las Vegas resort will host one of world’s largest rooftop solar PV systems.
Solar even makes sense now in the Midwest with its low electricity prices.
They have bought five solar projects so far and are focused on thin-film solar.