Seattle Unveils Net Zero Emissions Climate Action Plan
The far-reaching plan focuses on road transportation, energy use in buildings and waste.
The far-reaching plan focuses on road transportation, energy use in buildings and waste.
The Montreal Protocol will pay for China to shut down production by 2030.
In November, President Obama asked his Council of Advisors on Science and Technology to recommend what his strategy should be to address climate change.
This policy could have a big impact on coal exports and fossil fuel leases on public lands, while also stopping the tar sands pipeline.
Senator Boxer is forming the caucus, saying that lawmakers really want to get into this.
Because of their national policies, Denmark cuts coal use two-thirds, S. Korea requires companies to cut emissions, and Singapore mandates green building.
The world's third-largest oil exporter is doubling the carbon tax on the oil industry to pay for a wide range of initiatives that will get the country off oil.
Including land-based carbon in greenhouse gas control strategies lowers costs and preserves forests, according to new study.