Yu Song

Yu Song

ys27@umail.iu.edu ♦ (574) 340-2786

32 Country Club Dr. Apt. C ♦ Coram, NY 11727



            Indiana University Bloomington                                                          Bloomington, IN

            School of Public and Environmental Affairs (expected)                                         Dec, 2017

            Master of Public Affairs                                                                  

            Concentration Environmental Policy, Water Resources, Climate Change, Energy

                  Course Work:  • Environmental Policy and Economics  • Cost-Benefit Analysis

            University of Chinese Academy of Sciences                                              Wuhan, CHN

            Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences                                       June, 2016

            PhD in Wetland Ecology | Advisor: Professor Guihua Liu

                  Course Work:  • Biological Statistics and Experimental Design  • Scientific Research                                                         Project Quality Management  • The Basic Principle of Ecosystem                                                             Research and Experimental Method

            University of Wuhan Institute of Technology                                          Wuhan, CHN

            Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy                                                                 June, 2010

            Bachelor in Biological Engineering

                  Course Work:  • Basic Biology  • Biochemistry • Microbiology • Molecular Biology 


Working experience

            The Gnarley Tree Sustainability Institute (GTSI)                 Bloomington, IN, USA

            Research assistant                                                                                                 Jan-Jun, 2016

“Carbon tax guide: A handbook for policy makers” (Partnership for Market Readiness. 2017. Carbon Tax Guide: A Handbook for Policy Makers. World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/26300 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO)                     

  • Prepared Carbon tax cases studies for “Carbon tax guide: A handbook for policy makers”
  • Collected 6 countries' Carbon tax data (Chile, Finland, Iceland, Indian, Switzerland, Ireland)
  • Organized the carbon tax data and drafted for the 6 countries


            The Youthink Center                                                                        Beijing, CHN/Lima, PERU

            Intern/Youth Representative for UNFCCC 2014                                               Jun-Dec, 2014

  • Selected as a delegate of the Youthink Center attending COY10 and COP20 in Lima
  • Summarized climate related materials as background preparation for group
  • Hosted a group activity in COY10
  • Led China youth part in Youth Dialogue among China, Brazil, South Africa and India during COP20 and jointed-prepared an announcement in “Take Action” for COP21 in Paris 


Teaching experience

          Indiana University Bloomington                                                                 Bloomington, IN

            Teaching Assistant for undergraduate environmental sciences & statics          2016- 2017

  • Maintained teaching system, graded homework and papers, prepared for in-class activities

            University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,                                               Wuhan, CHN

            Teaching Assistant                                                                                                        2012-2014

  • Guided two undergraduate students’ graduation thesis each year: thesis design, experimental skills, data analysis and thesis writing
  • Taught undergraduate freshwater experiments


Research Experience

            Indiana University Bloomington                                                                  Bloomington, IN

            Research Assistance:   Professor Kenneth Richards                                                 

            “Policy Instrument Taxonomy in Renewable Energy” and “Comparative Studies Renewable              Energy between South Korean and United States”                                         June, 2016 – now

  • Collected United States Renewable Energy Policy Instruments for five government departments (DOA, DOE, DOD, EPA, DOT)
  • Summarized US Renewable Energy Policy Instruments to Policy Instrument Taxonomy
  • Conducted comparative studies of renewable energy policy instruments for US and SK
  • Papers are drafting

            Research Assistance:   Professor Shahzeen Attati,                                                             

           “Perception of Waterborne Sickness in Southern Zambia”                                      2015 - 2016

  • Cleaned and coded data for Southern Zambia household water consumption survey
  • Built and tested model for explaining Perception of Waterborne Sickness in Southern Zambia
  • A research paper is under review

            Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science                        Wuhan, CHN

             University of Chinese Academy of Sciences                                                 Beijing, CHN

             PhD Thesis:   “Plant Adaptation Strategies and Community Assembly in Reservoirs and                         Associated River Systems in Han River, Central China”                                   2010 – 2016

  • Plant traits • Species dispersal • Species distribution pattern • Species interaction
  • Field investigation • Controlled chamber experiment • Microsatellite SSR
  • Experiment design • Plant ecophysiology & environmental factors measurement
  • Initial data analysis, exploratory data analysis, PCA, regression, clustering, VAR
  • Plant functional traits database • SPSS, R Language, CANOCO • ArcGIS


  • Language: Chinese - Native, English - Fluent;                      
  • Statistics: Environmental and Social Stats, SPSS, R Language
  • Geo: ArcGIS (SWAT), Minitab
  • Basic Computer: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access



  1. Song Y., Marcantonio R. A (Co-author). 2017. Water and Sickness in Southern Zambia: A Local Level Account of Water Development. Development of Southern Africa. Under review.  
  2. Song Y., Ke X., Liu W., Davy A. J. and Liu G. 2014. Life-History Plasticity of Riparian Annual Plants Adapted to Extreme Variations in Water Level: Mesocosm Experiments. River Research and Applications, 31(10):1311–1318 
  3. Liu, W., Liu, G., Liu, H., Song, Y., Zhang, Q. 2013. Subtropical reservoir shorelines have reduced plant species and functional richness compared with adjacent riparian wetlands. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 044007

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