- BRASILIA, Brazil
- March 21, 2019
Antonio Matamoros
SQS 403 BL F APT 209. Asa Sul.
70237-060. Brasilia, DF. Brazil
Cell-phone 55-(61)-981317413 / Home 55-(61)-354-13986
e-mail: magnoantonio@hotmail.com
I have to offer more than 20 years of experience in the management of projects in the environmental field, at national and regional level, specially in the amazon region. My resume shows in a practical and proven way my experience with projects financed by donors such as Global Environment Facility- GEF, Brazilian Development Bank-BNDES, International Tropical Timber Organization-ITTO, Interamerican Development Bank-IDB, Development Bank of America-CAF and others.
Additionally, to the activities and responsibilities developed in the executed projects, I also allow myself to offer experience in developing actions for its implementation in the field of south-south cooperation, regional and international cooperation. This experience is complemented with that gained in the interrelation with political sectors in Latin American countries such as the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Ministries of Environment, Water, and Forestry.
I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I'm keen to continue working for an International Organization with a great and high profile related to sustainable development and cooperation. From August, 2009 until December, 2016 I worked as Coordinator of Environment at the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization(PS/ACTO), after that, I was offer a post of three year’s term as Administrative and Financial Director in the organization which ended at January 2019.
• 2015- 2016. Special Student. Centre of Sustainable Development (CDS). University of Brasilia-UnB-. Brasilia, Brazil.
• 2014. Post-Graduate Course. Landscape Analysis. Campus Fondo Verde. Distance Program. Huancayo. Junín, Peru.
• 2004. Diploma in Strategic Planning for Biodiversity Conservation (University of Monterrey- Distance University). Quito, Ecuador.
• 2002. Diploma in Environmental Management (Maastricht School of Management). Maastricht, the Netherlands.
• 2000. Master of Arts Degree. Geographical Information Systems with emphasis to Natural Resources Management (Arizona State University) Tempe, Arizona. USA.
1990. Marine-Biologist. University of Guayaquil. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
o 2016-current. Administrative-Financial Director at the Permanent Secretariat-Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (PS/ACTO). Brasilia, Brazil.
The main duties are dealing with processes such as:
⎫ Coordination financial cooperation and resources mobilization. South –south cooperation.
⎫ Supervision of implementation and management of portfolio of projects with financial support of BNDES, ITTO, BID, CAF, BMZ-GIZ-KFW, and GEF/UNEP.
⎫ Experience in dealing with technical and political issues with the Ministries of Environment and Foreign Affairs of Latin America and Amazon countries.
⎫ Supervision of technical and financial issues of regional projects on mitigation to climate change, water resources, forest management, and endangered species.
o Technical Support to Analysis of Gaps and Identification of Priority Areas for the Conservation of Biodiversity on Coastal Marine Zone in the Continental Ecuador. Executive Resume. Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (2006).
o Ministerial Support Group. National Capacity Self-Assessment in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification. Republic of Ecuador Ministry of the Environment (MAE) United Nations Development Program (PNUD - UNDP) / Global Environment Facility (FMAM - GEF). (2004).
2000-2009. International Negotiator: Negotiation Table of Environment and Property Right on the Free Trade Treaty (FFT Andes Countries-USA).
♣ Free Trade Treaty (Ecuador-European Union-EU). Ministry of Environment of Ecuador.
Also, the following positions:
o Minister of Environment of Ecuador. Presidential Executive Decree 20. Official Register No-10. May 4, 2005.
o Under-Secretary of Natural Resources. Ministry of Environment of Ecuador. 2004.
o National Director of Protected Areas and Biodiversity. Ministry of Environment of Ecuador. 2003.
o 2000-2009. Professor at the Central University of Ecuador, Institute of High International Studies, and at the Equinoccial Technological University (UTE). Subjects: Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management.
o 1997-2000. Research Assistant (RA) at the Arizona State University. Graduate College. Department of Geography. Tempe. Arizona, USA.
o 1994-1997. Biodiversity and Wildlife Specialist at the Ecuadorian Institute of Forestry and Natural Areas and Wildlife. Main responsibilities attending matters of projects, wildlife and biodiversity management, negotiator with the Andes Community Countries (Decision 391, Genetic Resources and Access). Quito, Ecuador.
o 1990-1994. Biologist-Specialist in management of shrimp farm in the Ecuadorian marine-coast of Ecuador. Responsibilities to attend Technical and Administrative affairs. Guayaquil, Ecuador.