Published on: March 11, 2018

Sustainable Supply Chains and International Agriculture Specialist
Sustainable Supply Chains and International Agriculture Specialist
  • Fond du Lac, WI
  • March 11, 2018

English, French and Spanish-speaking international agriculture development and sustainable supply chains specialist with over 15 years of experience. I have experience in agricultural development in Latin America, Africa and Asia. I specialize in creating stakeholder partnerships for sustainable agriculture value chains, organizational development, agricultural cooperatives, extension services, sustainability certifications, creating gender action plans, food security, sustainable management and adult education.

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PhD in Sustainable Management and Planning Rural Development Projects @ Montpellier SupAgro, Technical University of Madrid
Oct 2012 — Jun 2016
Masters of International Horticulture @ University of Essex, HAS Den Bosch
Sep 2003 — Sep 2004


Research Fellow, Sustainable Supply Chains @ Montpellier SupAgro
Oct 2012 — Jun 2016

Manage three-year €129,000 European Commission-funded agriculture value chains and development project across four countries and three continents, reporting to funders every 6 months,
Monitoring and evaluation of the effect of multiple stakeholder engagement on extension and services to facilitate sustainable agriculture and adapt to climate change,
Conduct surveys, interviews and focus groups,
Collect and analyze qualitative data on livelihoods, environmental, management and agricultural practices,
Evaluate impact of Savings and Internal Lending Communities on social capital in Uganda,
Engage stakeholders from research institutions, civil society, NGOs and governmental organizations to support environmental and social protection initiatives,
Create policy recommendations for climate-smart agriculture and voluntary certification schemes,
Engage international graduate students studying at six European universities in professional development and supplementary academic classes via webinar,
Advocate for student interests on Board of Directors of a six-university consortium and give student input on development of field course between European universities and Makerere, Egerton and Sokoine Universities,
Investigate the role of Costa Rica's smallholder coffee cooperatives in managing voluntary coffee certifications (Fair Trade, organic, Rainforest Alliance etc) and their role in social and environmental governance.
Examine the role of social capital, including interpersonal trust, in the management of certifications and in natural resource conservation. This research included field work in Costa Rica and analyzed market incentives, management strategies and livelihoods assessment,
Evaluate the political and institutional environment and its effect on gender equality, climate smart agricultural practices and the efficacy of development programs,
Teach Masters-level classes in Food Security and Food Sovereignty (in Spanish), extension systems and sustainable agriculture.
Supervise the thesis and field work of a Masters student in agro-ecology and climate-smart agricultural practices.
Present the results of my research at professional conferences.
Participated in international work teams in France, Spain and Costa Rica.

Independent Technical Consultant, Organizational Development and International Agriculture @ Independent
Jun 2008 — Current

Prepare proposals for USAID contracts and grants.
Participatory capacity-building workshops and seminars in Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nigeria and Senegal on sustainable agriculture, organizational development, leadership, natural resource management, water management, organic waste management food security and nutrition,
Training for cooperatives and extension workers to improve resilience, management practices, strategic planning and ICT4D,
Climate-smart agriculture workshops for market farmers and small agribusinesses,
Improve curriculum and competencies-based teaching methods for vocational horticulture training centers,
Facilitate partnerships between NGOs, research institutions and civil society,
Improve management practices of farmers' cooperatives and other civil society organizations,
Build capacity in the local staff and in farmers in engaging women and youth in agribusiness, sustainable development, environmental education,
Taylor outreach activities to the capacities of participants,
Prepare reports and analysis of project activities,
Speaking engagements, lectures, articles and community outreach on project outcomes.

Resource Educator- Horticulture, Natural Resources and the Environment @ Cornell University Cooperative Extension
Jan 2005 — Sep 2012

Maintain a portfolio of environmental and agriculture development projects,
Write proposals, feasibility studies, budgeting and outreach to new partners,
Plan, create and execute training, workshops and educational materials in agriculture, natural resources and environmental management.
Develop and manage five-year Certified Tree Steward Program for municipal employees in conjunction with USDA, county government and Cornell University,
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on grant-funded and fees-for-services community development programs,
Develop programs in childhood nutrition, school gardening and obesity prevention from program conception, grant writing, program delivery, evaluation and reporting,
Community outreach and raising awareness of environmental issues,
Liaise with the county government, local schools, municipal environmental and public works departments, universities, local NGOs and private companies to implement educational and environmental programs,
Manage a volunteer program of 150 volunteers who participated in environmental and community development projects throughout the county.
Manage two part-time staff members who assisted in coordinating the volunteer program as well as two full-time horticulture educators,
Data collection and analysis of local environmental issues including homeowner survey of lawn fertilization practices and the impact on phosphorus pollution,
Develop content for eLearning and continuing education for professional horticulture educators.
Mentor Masters students in Cornell agricultural development field class to India.
Taylor outreach materials for diverse audiences such as professionals (arborist, landscape architects), laypersons, teachers, government officials, youth and civil society leaders.
Provide administrative support for conferences, workshops, webinars and volunteer programs,
Prepare policy recommendations, policy briefs, reports, analysis, articles and blogs.

Research Project Manager @ Nutra-Park
Sep 2000 — Sep 2003

Supervise and conduct over 150 post-harvest value-chain research trials on agricultural crops in the US and South America,
Collect and analyze quantitative data,
Develop a cut flower preservative which improves vase life 30% over industry leader,
Reach out to new customers and build partnerships with stakeholders.

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