SolarCity Never Sleeps, Debuts Its Own Very Efficient Solar Panel
We have to get solar energy to be cheaper than natural gas or coal, and these breakthroughs get us there, says SolarCity's CEO.
We have to get solar energy to be cheaper than natural gas or coal, and these breakthroughs get us there, says SolarCity's CEO.
13 projects in advanced stages of development will power 1.8 million homes.
The entire Dutch train network will run solely on wind in three years, and one of India's largest airports is running on solar.
At 485 MW, it's huge, but way scaled down from the original eye-popping 1 GW.
The Navy is buying the entire output of an Arizona solar plant in the largest-ever purchase by the federal government.
A California court invalidated the eagle taking rule.
NY State's Con Ed is among a handful of utilities that are entering the business of solar installation.
By 2030, a third of US electricity will come from renewables, she states.
The most productive policies are fuel economy requirements for vehicles followed by standards for appliances and equipment.
SunEdison's second yieldco, TerraForm Global, will hold operating solar, wind and hydro projects in emerging markets.