Kaiser Permanente Moves Toward Top Corporate Renewable Energy Users
The health care group is buying 223 MW of solar and wind, covering half the energy it uses in California.
The health care group is buying 223 MW of solar and wind, covering half the energy it uses in California.
Wind contributes to grid stability and the more of it, the less variable the resource as a whole is.
In a great move, landlords in England and Wales will have to tighten up properties that get a failing grade on energy efficiency.
Californians in PG&E's territory can get locally-sourced solar starting later this year, while Republicans in Colorado vote to cut the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard in half.
And another group will help Fortune 100 companies meet their renewable energy targets.
Accurate, thorough information on renewable energy stats and trends are freely accessible through REsource.
$310 billion was invested in 2014, up 16%, buoyed by offshore wind and rooftop solar.
Construction begins on the first high speed rail in the US, as Brown moves to 50% renewable energy.
Wind provided over 100% of electricity in December, and 2014 was the year when renewables matched fossil fuel output.
Utilities win big in Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio, as ALEC makes its way through all 50 states.