Georgetown, Texas Runs on 100% Solar & Wind Next Year
The city will run on 100% renewable energy by simply contracting for locally-produced wind and solar.
The city will run on 100% renewable energy by simply contracting for locally-produced wind and solar.
The Asian Development Bank plans many more Green Bonds; and Vestas issued the first pure-play corporate green bond.
The company is filling the gap left by utilities with microgrid-as-a-service - which can be scaled to basically be the next-generation grid!
The Cairo Declaration also demands global warming be limited to 1.5C by 2100.
While Michigan will reach 10% renewable electricity this year, many towns and cities could get 100%.
Utilities must deliver their plans by the end of this year - on how they will transition to distributed energy supplied from thousands of small generators.
The FCC voted along party lines to reclassify the Internet as a public utility, keeping a level playing field for everyone.
Florida Gulf Coast University hopes the research park will rival North Carolina's Research Triangle.
The founder of SolarCentury is forming a club where corporations set aside 5% of annual profits to meet the challenges of climate and poverty.
Green Bonds are a huge success and really could close the gap on climate change finance.