Happy Earth Overshoot Day!
As of August 20, humanity has exhausted nature's budget for 2013 and we will operate in overdraft for the rest of the year.
As of August 20, humanity has exhausted nature's budget for 2013 and we will operate in overdraft for the rest of the year.
Surprising, hundreds of thousands of facilities still use paper to fulfill regulatory requirements.
Lead bullets kill millions of birds a year when they accidentally eat them.
Prolonged exposure is deadly to honey bees, posing serious danger to future crops.
Government efforts are falling short of protecting fisheries, leaving it to corporate leaders to get involved.
Instead of spraying toxic chemicals inside the closed mall, they released ladybugs.
Marine life is moving toward the poles as the ocean warms and the world recognized the need for protection of many species at this year's CITES meeting.
This is 2013, but you wouldn't know it from the way wolves are still treated.
Pesticides associated with bee colony collapse will be banned across Europe.
A federal court upheld EPA's right to veto the Spruce Mine, the most destructive project ever proposed.