From Carter to Reagan, From Biden to Trump – All Too Many Similarities
Are you aware of the incredible environmental legacy Jimmy Carter left us?
Are you aware of the incredible environmental legacy Jimmy Carter left us?
The ban covers the entire Atlantic and West Coasts, part of Alaska and Gulf of Mexico. Thank You!!
Earth is Talking. Earth is dishing out tough love. When will humans actually LISTEN?
In a rare bipartisan moment, especially for our environment, the Senate passed the largest public lands bill in a decade by 92-8! There's a lot to love in the bill, but some toxic provisions should be removed by the House.
In a wonderful surprise after years of haggling, 24 countries and the EU created the largest marine preserve in the world - protecting most of Antarctica's Ross Sea.
Obama created the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument today.
Norway's government is the first to make this pledge, and while many corporations have, they aren't moving fast enough.
As of July 6, Elephant Ivory can't be sold anywhere in the US and can't be imported or exported.
A host of supermarket and chains and restaurants sell only certified seafood and it's having a positive impact.
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation is spending almost $500 million to protect the Amazon.