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by Kirsten Elder Companies in the newsKonarka Technologies PowerLight Corp Schott APC Shell Solar New Products The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) has released the second draft of t he requirements for the voluntary certification program of installers of PV systems. According to the NABCEP, the certification is not intended to prevent qualified individuals from installing PV systems or to replace state license requirements but rather, it is meant to provide a set of national practitioner standards by which PV installers with skills and experience can distinguish themselves. Certification will provide an educational tool for consumers and will encourage increased financing and reduced insurance rates for PV projects. It will be available voluntarily to those PV installers who feel they will benefit from it. NABCEP is asking for comments and feedback to these proposed requirements. (SolarAccess, 29/10/02)Applications One of the world’s largest photovoltaic roofs is getting bigger. In about a month, an additional megawatt of Shell Solar PV panels will be connected to the grid atop the Munich Trade Fair Centre in Germany. The planned commissioning of the PV System will be in November 2002. 7,560 solar modules with a peak output of 1.058 MW are currently […]
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Provided by EREN Network News*News and Events New Large Wind Plants Slated for New Mexico, California, Iowa, and ColoradoFacing Increasing Interest, BLM Announces New Wind Policy DOE National Laboratories Garner 24 “R&D 100” Awards DOE Secretary Abraham Hosts Renewable Forum in South Dakota Two Advanced Battery Technologies Show Commercial Promise Solar-Powered Aircraft Successfully Surveys Coffee Fields*Site NewsRenewable Energy Atlas of the West*Energy Facts and TipsArrest Proves Energy Trading Role in California Power Crisis———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-New Large Wind Plants Slated for New Mexico, California, Iowa, and ColoradoNew Mexico will gain its first large wind power plant late in 2003, announced Public Service of New Mexico (PNM) on Monday. The 204-megawatt New Mexico Wind Energy Center will be built, owned, and operated by FPL Energy, LLC, a leading wind plant developer. The project will feature 135 1.5-megawatt wind turbines and will span the borders of Quay and De Baca counties, about 50 miles west from the center of the state’s eastern border. PNM intends to sell some of the wind power to its customers through a green power program, selling any excess wind power on the wholesale power market. Construction will begin this year on the facility, which will generate enough electricity […]
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Gary Hirshberg, CEO of Stonyfield Farm, a sustainable business leader, predicts what the organic industry will look like 10 years from now.
FROM The GreenMoney Journal.
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Although Unilever views sustainability as critical to its business, it has little to do with today's brand values or increasing sales.
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by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news ASE Americas AstroPower Chicago Solar Partnership Dankoff Solar Products ENTECH, Inc IT Power RWE Schott Solar Shell Solar Terrasolar Ghana Ltd Applications The Western Isles of Scotland are set to be the site of a new pilot study examining whether solar-powered street lights could work effectively in the region. “These solar powered lights complement the renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives taking place in the Western Isles and our aspirations for the islands to be a centre of green energy said the regions renewables spokesman. Already the islands have been earmarked for Europes biggest windfarm, at Barvas Moor in Lewis, costing 600 million, and over 2 million is to be invested in experimental wave energy generators off the coast. (The Scotsman via Solarbuzz, 18/10/02) A solar energy technology team led by ENTECH, Inc has been awarded a $195,000 contract from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop solar concentrator arrays for use in space. The solar concentrator array concepts use flexible, ultra-light lenses to focus sunlight onto high-efficiency solar cells, achieving unprecedented performance. NASA has already tested a prototype ENTECH solar array with a record 27 percent efficiency converting space sunlight to electricity. […]
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Intelligently designed materials like nylon, polyester or steel can be recycled endlessly ... eliminating waste by business communities that dip into these "pools."
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16 small businesses around the country are being honored with ENERGY STAR for Small Business Awards for exemplary energy efficiency. The awards, presented by the EPA, recognize small businesses that prevent pollution profitaby. This year’s winners include a wide range of business types: restaurants, grocery stores, manufacturers, animal hospitals and nonprofit organizations. All of these businesses are reducing their operating costs by increasing energy efficiency. To receive an award, small businesses are judged on the number of energy efficient upgrades they make, cost savings per square foot, creativity and innovation.EPA analysis shows that small businesses can save just as much money per square foot as large companies. Thus, the 22 million small U.S. businesses can make a very large contribution to the national economy and the global environment by not wasting energy dollars.A Few of the Winning BusinessesOne of the winners is Northeast Cooperatives, a Vermont-based distributor of organic/ natural foods and products. Its 400 employees and member consumers (mostly natural food stores and consumer buying groups around the country), own the company. Efficiency Vermont, the state’s new energy efficiency utility, helped the company install a much more efficient refrigeration system, motors and lighting. Efficiency Vermont paid 20% of the […]
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The New Economy of Nature brings together acclaimed ecologist Gretchen Daily with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Katherine Ellison to offer a captivating and informative look at a new economy — a system that recognizes the worth of natural systems and the potential profits in protecting them. The authors present intriguing profiles of charismatic trailblazers who are finding new ways of making conservation profitable, including the story of John Wamsley:Australias John Wamsley has made it his lifes work to fight biodiversity loss. As founder and director of Earth Sanctuaries, Ltd. (ESL), he and several thousand investors make money by zeroing in on peoples self-interest as a reason to care about Nature. At a time when many conservationists still oppose the notion of imposing bottom-line accounting on Nature, Wamsley embraces the trend. He scorns the more traditional technique of waging fund-raising campaigns for animals about to go extinct, saying they only create inefficient bureaucracies. Instead, he has found some remarkable ways to make a numbat turn a profit.The 61-year-old former mathematics professor lives at the site of his highly successful Warrawong nature reserve, near the city of Adelaide in South Australia. Warrawong is the smallest and busiest of three private wildlife parks managed […]
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It can’t be much fun to be the target of a Greenpeace campaign. We’ll see how ExxonMobil reacts as the subject of an international campaign for its role in preventing action on global warming. The company is increasingly coming under fire for its social and environmental policies with 8 shareholder resolutions presented this year alone. Despite multiple appeals from Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council and others, ExxonMobil has refused to change its policy. They contend the company is using its sizable resources to support top politicians, like President Bush, in an effort to stifle U.S. action on climate change. Greenpeace cocuments this in their new report, “Denial and Deception: A Chronicle of ExxonMobil’s Corruption of the Global Warming Debate.” The message activists and celebrities delivered this week is “Don’t Buy ExxonMobil” as they shut down gas stations in the heart of Beverly Hills and Manhattan. Protestors peacefully chained themselves to gas pumps at both locations and dropped a banner that read, “Stop Global Warming, Don’t Buy ExxonMobil.” Similar protests were staged at 50 Exxon and Mobil stations across the nation.Says Gary Cook, Greenpeace Climate Campaign Coordinator, “In Europe and elsewhere, ExxonMobil is already feeling the heat – now the campaign […]
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New WA. wind plant is operating, WA. boost green power purchases, MA., CT. provide solar incentives ...
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