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Rita Schenck of the largely rural island of Vashon, Washington, wants the Seattle’s suburb’s 10,000 residents to be completely energy-independent – producing their own renewable power – within a few years. Soon, her nonprofit Institute for Environmental Research and Education will ask residents to decide how they should combine solar, wind, composting and tide energy to wean themselves from fossil fuels. Someday soon, cars will run on island-produced power stored in the form of hydrogen. Sound far-fetched?Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen doesn’t think so. He pitched in $50,000 toward the completed first phase of the effort: cataloging all the ways the islanders use energy, and developing a practical tool (posted on the website) for communities everywhere to sue when taking their first step toward energy sustainability. Seattle-based Bullitt Foundation provided a grant to help pay for projects. But Schenck is still looking for $12 million to build demonstration projects. In the meantime, her organization teaches kids about green power, bringing in lectures on grid-connected solar power. Should she succeed, she hopes her island will become a model. “The only other example I can think of is an island off the coast of Denmark,” says Bentham Paulos, program officer of The Energy […]
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Grameen Shakti quietly demonstrates impressive results by a grass-roots effort to bring solar electricity to the world's poorest people.
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It started with 26 people gathered at the Rockefeller estate to talk about how to bring solar power to 2 billion people.
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*News and Events FPL to Install 135 Megawatts of Wind Power in Three States EPA Buys 100 Percent Wind Power for Its New York City Office DOE Funds HTS Transmission Cable Project on Long Island Trees and Green Roofs Hold Promise for Urban Energy Savings Six High Schools Win the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Model Challenge*Site NewsTexas Renewable Energy Industries Association*Energy Connections World Renewable Energy Use to Keep Pace with Energy Growth ———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-FPL to Install 135 Megawatts of Wind Power in Three StatesFPL Energy, LLC announced last week that it will install new wind power plants in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania by the end of this year. The three wind plants will have a total capacity of 135 megawatts: the company will build a 21-megawatt wind plant near Kulm, in southeast North Dakota; a 51-megawatt wind plant near Woodward, in northwest Oklahoma; and a 63-megawatt wind plant spanning Clinton and Canaan townships in northeast Pennsylvania.GE Wind Energy will deliver more than 300 1.5-megawatt wind turbines to FPL Energy this year to support the company’s wind projects, including previously-announced projects in California, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota. See the FPL Energy press release at: http://www.fplenergy.com/news/2003/contents/03044.shtmlIn addition to […]
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by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news Atersa www.atersa.com BP Solar www.bpsolar.com Carmanah Technologies www.carmanah.com Evergreen Solar www.evergreensolar.com PowerLight www.powerlight.com RWE Schott Solar www.ase-international.com SolarGen Solutions www.solargen.bizNew Products Carmanah Technologies Corporation will celebrate the worldwide launch of its new i-SHELTER solar-powered illuminated bus shelter at the UITP Mobility & City Transport Exhibition in Madrid, Spain, May 5-8, 2003. The i-SHELTER is the company’s new solution for bus stop lighting: a completely self-contained, solar-powered bus shelter. (Solarbuzz.com, 05/05/03)Applications The first solar-powered road traffic signs in the UK are being installed in Swansea and Newport (South Wales) after being developed and supplied by SolarGen Solutions of Newport. (The Western Mail via Solarbuzz.com, 29/04/03) Atersa, the Spanish PV company owned by AstroPower, has recently installed 216 semi-transparent solar PV laminates that cover the facades of three office buildings in the Technological Park of Boecillo, in Valladolid. The installation corresponds to a power of 32.85 kWp. (Solarbuzz.com, 29/04/03) The Las Vegas Valley Water District plans to build two solar-power plants and install a leak detection system that could save 2.5 billion gallons of water in its first year under the agency’s proposed 2003-2004 budget. The solar-power facilities and leak detection system are among $34.2 […]
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*News and Events DOE to Fund Eight Tribes to Develop Renewable Energy DOE Office Facility in Maryland Earns the Energy Star Label Architect Group Names the Top Ten Green Projects for 2003 Large Solar Power Systems Online in New Jersey, California Shell Hydrogen Opens Hydrogen Fueling Station in Iceland California Air Board Allows Fuel-Cell Focus in New ZEV Rules*Site NewsEuropean Commission End-Use Energy Efficiency Activities*Energy Connections Sandia’s “Z Machine” Reveals New Approach to Fusion Energy———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-DOE to Fund Eight Tribes to Develop Renewable EnergyDOE announced on April 24th its award of $1.3 million to eight Native American tribes to develop renewable energy projects on their lands. The funds will go toward feasibility studies on tribal lands located in Alaska, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin. Although four of the tribes will investigate renewable energy resources in general, the other four tribes will explore the potential of specific renewable energy technologies, including biofuel for power production, biogas generation from manure and other biomass sources, wind power, and a hybrid power system using both wind power and hydropower. See the DOE press release at: [sorry this link is no longer available]DOE’s Tribal Energy Program promotes tribal self-sufficiency […]
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by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news BP Solar Carmanah Technologies Dankoff Solar Duke Solar Global Solar Energy Kyocera Solar PowerLight Corp RWE Schott Solar Sealite Sharp Corp Spire Corporation SunWize Technologies New Products Sharp Corporation has announced the introduction into the Japanese market of a new single crystalline photovoltaic module. The NT-167AK achieves a conversion efficiency of 17.4 percent, making it the world’s most efficient PV module designed for residential applications. This achievement makes it possible to install a 3-kW PV generating system in an area of just 17.3 m2, the smallest surface area requirement in the industry. Sharp plans to promote the use of these modules in “zero-energy houses” which demand higher power generating capacities using only limited roof surface area, and will work to encourage the widespread adoption of PV power generating systems for homes having small-surface-area roofs, which make up the majority of residences in urban areas. Carmanah Technologies Corporation is due to enter the worldwide aviation lighting market with the launch of its solar-powered LED aviation lights for applications including temporary / permanent runway and taxiway edge lighting, obstruction, barricade, heli-pad and construction lighting. (Solarbuzz.com, 24/04/03)Applications Officials in Boulder City, Nevada are entering final negotiations […]
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Aveda remains true to it's environmental mission - it is the core of the company.
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Chiquita emerged from bankruptcy with new management and a strong commitment to sustainable practices.
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Zero Energy HouseOn the small end of the scale, a new “Zero-Energy House” debuted in Tucson, Arizona on Earth Day – it produces all the energy it needs. The house includes passive solar methodology like solid masonry construction for thermal mass, and active solar: 4-kilowatts of solar panels for electricity, solar thermal for hot water and space heating. Tankless water heaters provide backup energy. The house has a high-efficiency central air conditioning system and other appliances, efficient lighting, insulation, and windows. The Zero Energy House was developed by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center and architects, John Wesley Miller Companies. The Department of Energy (DOE) is subsidizing construction of a number of similar buildings around the country. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) awarded a grant of $75,613 for six homes in Atlantic City.More information: [sorry this link is no longer available]Toyota’s LEED-certified BuildingToyota Motor Sales USA is home to the largest green building complex in the U.S. It too opened its doors on Earth Day. The complex is the largest to date to receive a gold LEED certification rating from the US Green Building Council. The building has 624,000 square feet of office […]
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