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US Moves to Increase Use of Canadian Tar Sands DOE, U.S. Treasury Award $502M for Renewable Energy Projects DOE: $300M for Alternative Fuel Stations, Vehicles DOE Sets Energy Standards for Beverage Vending Machines Cash for Clunkers Replaces 700,000 Vehicles DOE: $21M to Five Projects for Biomass Processing USDA: $4.2M for Woody Biomass Removal US Moves to Increase Use of Canadian Tar Sands US imports of heavy oil derived from Canadian tar sands gained momentum recently with the approval of a pipeline to deliver the oil to the US and the approval of a refinery designed to handle the heavy oil. The US. State Department announced on August 20 that it approved a Presidential Permit to Enbridge Inc. for the 1,000-mile Alberta Clipper pipeline, which will carry crude oil from Hardisty, Alberta, to Superior, Wisconsin. It will connect to an existing pipeline running from Fort McMurray to Hardisty, allowing the delivery of heavy oil extracted from Canadian tar sands, also known as oil sands. Heavy oil is extracted from tar sands, clear-cutting pristine boreal forest and then using a very energy and water-intensive process – creating double the GHG emissions of conventionally derived oil. See the Pembina Institute’s Oil Sands Watch […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3 player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week. In this week’s show… This week’s show contains only the regular summary of top cleantech headlines. Next week we will return to a full program; however, if you prefer this shorter format, without any interviews or environmental and policy news, please let us know. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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DOE: $37M for Clean Energy Research at Small Businesses eSolar Launches First Commercial U.S. Solar Tower U.S. Wind Industry Fights Headwinds in Q2 First U.S. Hydrokinetic Project Begins Commercial Operations Biomass Catches Fire in Ohio, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire US Motor Vehicle Travel Increased in June DOE: $101M for Weatherization, $51M for Clean Energy: Alaska, New Jersey, Guam DOE Offers $37 Million for Clean Energy Research at Small Businesses DOE offered $37 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds on August 20 for clean energy research and development projects at small U.S. businesses. DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs target U.S. companies with fewer than 500 employees, with the goal of investigating ideas for clean energy technologies that appear to have commercial potential. About $8.5 million is expected to be available for new projects, which are designated as "Phase I" awards. Successful applicants may receive up to $150,000 for a Phase I grant, which gives awardees six months to demonstrate the feasibility of their ideas. Most of the remaining funds will go towards "Phase II" grants of up to $1 million to support the principal R&D of clean energy concepts developed […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3 player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week. In this week’s show… Waste heat recovery is gaining attention as primary means of increasing energy efficiency in the U.S. and abroad. An article in the most recent World Watch magazine explains the potential. This week Bart interviews William C. Olson, Senior Vice President and co-founder of Electratherm–a company that has developed modular technology to harness waste heat from a variety of industry sectors. Previous Electratherm coverage includes: Electratherm Equipment to Be Tested in Geothermal Application (6/8/2009) Electratherm Raises $2.6 Million (11/17/2008) Plus, as always, a quick review of the top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3 player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week. In this week’s show… International negotiations resume in Germany for a global climate change treaty. The U.N. added up the numbers proposed by industrialized nations for 2020 emissions cuts. Ten Senate Democrats sent a letter to the White House refusing to support any climate change bill that does not provide strong protections for American businesses. Harvard economist N. Gregory Mankiw’s New York Times op-ed piece. And an interview with Casey Verbeck, co-founder of TouchPoint Trust Group. Plus, as always, a quick review of the top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Projected to Drop 5% in 2009! Obama Approves $2B Extension for "Cash for Clunkers" DOE: $2.4B for U.S. Batteries and Electric Vehicles DOE: $377M to 46 Energy Frontier Research Centers Northwestern Transmission Line to Carry 575 MW of Wind USDA Proposes Consumer Label for Biobased Products Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Projected to Drop 5% in 2009 U.S. CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are projected to drop 5% in 2009, according to DOE’s Energy Information Administration (EIA). The EIA’s "Short-Term Energy Outlook," released yesterday, projects annual energy-related CO2 emissions the first time. Economic downturns are generally bad news, but they’re great for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, because businesses and industries use less energy, and people generally drive less. In 2008, US energy-related CO2 emissions dropped 3.2% – the trend is expected to deepen this year. Energy-related CO2 emissions are the dominant greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted in the US, so overall GHG emissions generally follow the same trend. Breaking it down by fossil fuel, the EIA expects CO2 emissions from petroleum to decline 4% in 2009, primarily due to lower consumption of jet fuel and fuel oil, with motor fuel consumption holding steady. Emissions from burning natural gas should […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3 player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week. In this week’s show… The Obama administration announced $2.4 billion dollars in stimulus grants in an effort to build a U.S. manufacturing base for advanced batteries and electric vehicles. Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) backed off on its proposal to charge a monthly fee to customers who own grid-connected solar power systems. A federal court struck down a Bush-era rule that stripped away protection for designated ‘roadless’ areas of national forests. Plus, as always, a quick review of the top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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DOE, Treasury Take Applications for Renewable Energy Project Payments DOE: $30B in Loan Guarantees for Renewable Energy Projects DOE: $11.8M for Solar Grid Integration Systems DOE: $28M to National Labs for Bioenergy, Smart Grids EPA Names Top 20 Organizations Using On-Site Renewable Energy NASA Offers a $1.5M Prize for Fast, Fuel-Efficient Aircraft Report: Next Decade will Determine America’s Energy Future DOE, Treasury Accept Applications for Renewable Energy Project Payments DOE and the U.S. Department of the Treasury are now accepting applications from renewable energy project developers that wish to receive direct federal payments in lieu of tax credits. The direct-payment program is meant to address a lull in demand for federal tax credits, which has hampered the financing of renewable energy projects. To help remedy this situation, DOE and the Treasury Department estimate they will distribute at least $3 billion in direct payments to about 5,000 facilities using biomass energy, solar energy, wind power, and other types of renewable energy. The funding for this effort is made available through the Recovery Act (ARRA). The ARRA authorized the Treasury Department to make direct payments to companies that create and place in service renewable energy facilities beginning January 1, 2009. Previously, these […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is 15-20 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3 player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week. In this week’s show… The U.S. Department of Energy announced solicitations for up to $30 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy and smart grid projects. This follows the recent release of guidelines that will allow developers to apply for grants in lieu of 30% tax credits. The U.S. and China signed an agreement to cooperate on climate change, energy and the environment, and China announced a new subsidy for solar power and a feed-in tariff for wind power. Nike and other shoemakers responded to pressure from Greenpeace to cut off Brazil’s cattle industry, which it says is responsible for 80% of deforestation in the Amazon. Plus, as always, a quick review of the top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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US, China to Cooperate on Climate Change & Energy Global Clean Energy Investment Nearly Doubles in Q2 DOE-Funded Clean Energy Research Projects Win 19 R&D 100 Awards DOE, USDA to Award $6.3M for Biofuels Research DOE Awards $54M for State Energy Programs in 4 States "Cash for Clunkers" Program Gets Rolling Editor’s Note: DOE and the Bureau of Land Management extended the public comment period on solar energy study areas until September 14. See our recent article, the BLM press release on the extension, and the website for the Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. We also updated two recent stories on wind power and geothermal heat pumps to include detailed information on Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). US and China to Cooperate on Climate Change & Energy The US and China signed an agreement on Tuesday to enhance cooperation between on climate change, energy, and the environment. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) elevates climate change in their relationship, committing them to reach an international agreement that addresses the problem. The MOU also expands cooperation between the two countries to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon global economy. Specifically, it lays the foundation for expanded cooperation in combating climate […]
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