Newsmakers: Starbucks, Whole Foods, Home Depot, Toyota, Pepsi & Coke, and more…
Starbucks faces mounting pressure, Timberland buys green tags, first fuel cell plant in Europe ...
Starbucks faces mounting pressure, Timberland buys green tags, first fuel cell plant in Europe ...
What do leaders need to do to accelerate sustainability?
Ecotourism offers strong economic incentives for developing countries to conserve biological diversity. It has been hit hard along with the rest of the travel industry since 9/11.
According to Wall Street analysts, the 10 best-known Healthy Living companies will grow by an average of 20% a year. Investing with your conscience can be profitable!
Salt Lake City is no Sydney when it comes to the environment.
Stratos Inc., an Ottawa-based consultancy, has released the first report that evaluates the status of sustainability reporting in Canada, “Stepping Forward: Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Canada.”Only 57 companies – 26% of the largest 100 companies – in nine industry sectors prepare reports. This places Canada in between the U.S. and Europe. The issues covered and quality of information provided in Canadian company corporate reports varies substantially across companies. They report well on environmental discharges, community philanthropy and health and safety. They are weaker in reporting on social performance. Many reports side-step tough issues and focus only on good news, reducing their credibility.Contact: Julie Pezzack Download the reportP.S. Interface, Inc., has published its first online sustainability report.
This month's Ecos Insight Column: what does it mean when the former head of Greenpeace UK takes a job with global public relations giant Burson Marsteller?
Top 20 for EnvironmentThis was the first year the Financial Times included an environmental category in its annual survey of the world’s most respected companies. 914 CEOs from 65 countries and 110 media commentators and nongovernmental organizations were asked which 20 companies they perceived as having the best environmental reputation. Surprisingly, both camps chose BP (British Petroleum) as number one! Apparently, both groups gave BP an “A” for effort. A CEO commented, “They have got this ‘beyond petroleum’ tag these days, but I think they do live up to it.” And an activist summed it up, “Although they have a long way to go, they deserve credit for their effort.” CEOs picked Royal Dutch/ Shell as number two, another highly regarded oil industry leader; the media/activist group chose The Body Shop. Toyota placed third with CEOs; Honda and Ford placed third and fourth with the media/activist camp, and Shell rated fifth. Toyota and Honda won praise for taking the lead on efficient vehicles and for recycling car parts. Ford received support for its Michigan factory roof garden, its recycling efforts and support of national parks. From here, the groups diverged. CEOs like ExxonMobil, media and activists like McDonald’s (for their […]
The Asian region is taking a leadership position in industrial ecology, with at least 100 projects planned for China, Thailand, the Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Japan. Funded by the Asian Development Bank, this handbook provides an overview of every facet of eco-industrial park development: policy; financing; urban planning and education; specific architectural, technical, recruitment, and management considerations in industrial park design. It includes examples from around the world. While this new edition is regionally-based, most of the content is fully applicable for projects in other regions, developed and developing alike. Contact the author: Ernest LoweDownload the handbook:
In 1543, Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the view that the Sun revolved around the earth, arguing instead that the earth revolved around the Sun. His paper led to a revolution in thinking -to a new worldview. A new book, Eco-Economy, discusses the need today for a similar shift in our worldview. Since 1974, Lester Brown, through the Worldwatch Institute’s annual State of the World reports, has served as a witness to our planet’s deteriorating ecology. Now he’s started a new non-profit, Earth Policy Institute, to help people develop a shared vision of what an environmentally sustainable economy, an eco-economy would look like. This book outlines his vision. “We can see glimpses of the eco-economy emerging in the wind farms of northern Germany, the solar rooftops of Japan, the reforested mountains of South Korea, and the steel recycling mills of the U.S.” The question is, do we join together to build an economy that is sustainable or do we keep at the status quo until its inevitable decline? One way or another the choice will be made by our generation, but it will affect life on earth for countless generations to come. Download the book or order it: