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NJ Enacts Law to Boost Offshore Wind Hawaii, Nissan Agree to EV Partnership $8.5M for Solar Grid Integration U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Consortia Selected Nevada Geothermal Project Gets DOE Loan Guarantee DOE, USDA to Breed Biofuels Plants New Jersey Enacts Law to Boost Offshore Wind Industry On August 19, New Jersey enacted the "Offshore Wind Economic Development Act, which offers financial incentives for siting wind turbines off the state’s coast. Developers will receive offshore renewable energy certificates for approved projects that generate 1110 MW. The law also grants up to $100 million in tax credits and financial assistance to firms that build wind turbines, their components, or water access facilities. The state used a similar approach to encourage PV solar installations and is now second only to California in solar energy production. The NJ Board of Public Utilities will determine a process for utilities to buy offshore renewable energy certificates from commercial offshore wind farms. State statutes require NJ get 22.5% of its electricity from renewables by 2021. See the press release from Governor Chris Christie and the full text of the bill (PDF 183 KB). In June, New Jersey and nine other East Coast states signed a MOU with […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is about 15 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable media player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer each week. In this week’s show… California Proposes Feed-in Tariff PIlot Program for Renewables BLM Issues Impact Statements for Two More Solar Thermal Plants Goldman Sachs Snatched Up Solar Claims All-Electric City Buses Go to Work in California Philadelphia Trains To Feed Power to the Grid Plus, a summary of the week’s top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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Wouldn’t it be an intriguing turn of events if the rest of the world got sick and tired of U.S. inaction on climate change and initiated sanctions against us? While the US government and its citizenry deny the reality of climate change, the rest of the world is living with it. 2010 is officially the hottest year on record thus far. On the US east coast, it’s been depressing to see the curling, drooped leaves in forests enduring weeks of 98 degree heat without rain. But that pales in comparison to China’s torrential rains and the heaviest monsoons on record in Pakistan, where millions of people have been displaced and over a thousand are dead. Russia, the UK, Israel and Thailand are suffering through searing drought, the worst on record or close to that. Arctic sea ice has melted to its thinnest state yet, not to mention the recent calving of the largest ice sheet in Greenland since 1962. All these "worst ever" events – including the intense snow we saw last winter – are exactly what climate scientists have long predicted as hallmarks of climate change. Yet, even with the tailwind of the catastrophic BP oil spill, our Congress […]
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Milestone: 200,000 Homes Weatherized 2 Million Smart Meters Installed in U.S. Peace Corps to Tackle Grassroots Energy Issues EPA, DOT Propose New Fuel Economy Labels First Solar Thermal Plant in California Licensed in 20 Years Ohio State Speeding Bullet EV Claims World Speed Record US Used Less Energy, More Renewables in 2009 Milestone: 200,000 Homes Weatherized On August 26, Vice President Biden announced that 200,000 homes have been weatherized under the Recovery Act, employing thousands of carpenters and electricians and saving low-income families money on utility bills. Weatherization services can cut a family’s average annual energy bill more than $400 during the first year after home retrofits, according to a recent study by DOE’s Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL). DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program is now upgrading homes at its optimal rate-about 25,000 homes per month- to achieve the Obama Administration target of making 600,000 residences more energy efficient under the Recovery Act. In the previous week, DOE released the selection of 119 organizations that will receive nearly $120 million to support new pilot weatherization projects designed to demonstrate innovative delivery, groundbreaking financial models, and new conservation technologies. Overall, the Administration is investing about $90 billion through the Recovery Act in […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is about 15 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable media player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer each week. In this week’s show… Home Depot Begins Selling LED Bulbs At Surprisingly Low Price FTC To Release New Green Guidelines for Marketers Berkeley Lab Scientists Say Microbes Devoured BP Oil Spill Quickly Are We About to Hit Peak Coal? Plus, a summary of the week’s top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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Recovery Act Energy Impact Report Released Energy Hub for Energy-Efficient Building Design Created HUD: $100M for Housing Efficiency Retrofits DOE: $120M for Weatherization Projects DOE: $15M Geothermal Heat Recovery Opportunity DOE Extends Renewable Energy Loan Guarantee Solicitation Biden Releases Report Showing Recovery Act Energy Impact On August 24, Vice President Joe Biden releases an analysis showing that the Recovery Act’s $100 billion investment in innovation is helping accelerate significant advances in science and technology. According to "The Recovery Act: Transforming the American Economy through Innovation," the U.S. is now on track to achieve three major energy innovation breakthroughs thanks to Recovery Act investments: cutting the cost of solar power in half by 2015; reducing the cost of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) by 70% between 2009 and 2015; doubling U.S. renewable energy generation and renewable manufacturing capacity by 2012. The Recovery Act is also impacting science technology, and innovation projects ranging from building a nationwide smart energy grid to growing the emerging EV industry. The numbers are compelling. Solar, for example, is on track to compete with traditional power sources for both households and utility scale power. For household electricity, solar is expected to drop from $0.21 per kWh in […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is about 15 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable media player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer each week. In this week’s show… Massive Coral Mortality Following Bleaching in Indonesia Sustainable Packaging Industry to Reach $142B by 2015 Green Mountain College Tops ‘Cool Schools’ List Earth Overdraft: On Saturday, We Exceed Nature’s Budget Plus, a summary of the week’s top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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By Bart King The game is over for federal climate change legislation in the United States, and we lost. A majority of lawmakers in both houses of Congress, a motivated administration, a devastating oil spill and a willing public were not enough to establish a new energy policy that would reward renewable resources and phase out the use of fossil fuels. Hopes were high when our basketball-loving president came in with a numerical advantage in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The financial crisis ate a lot of time off the clock, as did the struggle to win on health care and pass Wall Street reforms. Along the way, Democrats lost the supermajority when one of their key players went down, and team unity dissolved as moderates, with eyes on midterm elections, became more interested in scoring points for corporate farms and coal companies. In the end, team climate change never even got a good shot off. I was one of those overly optimistic fans who thought we could win it all—a strong cap-and-trade program combined with an ambitious renewable energy standard requiring the production of 25 percent renewable energy by the year 2020. But as the season progressed, […]
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Global Clean Energy Investment Steady in Q2 California’s Ivanpah Solar Tower Project Moves Forward DOE Loan Solicitation for Renewable Energy Manufacturing DOE Designates National Marine Renewable Energy Center U.S. CO2 Emissions to Increase 3.4% in 2010 Global Clean Energy Investment Steady in Q2 Investments in clean energy technologies, companies, and projects held steady in the second quarter (Q2) of 2010, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. $33.9 billion flowed into clean energy, led by a "continuing boom" in China and some upward movement from the US that helped offset a drop in European projects. Overall, Q2 investment fell 1.5% from Q1. $28.9 billion was in asset financing -with China getting $11.5 billion of that. Asset financing in the US rose from $3.5 billion in Q1 to $4.9 billion in Q2. While the public markets didn’t results, Tesla Motors’ IPO was an exception. Tesla’s June 28 IPO raised $184 million, net of commissions and expenses. Bloomberg New Energy Finance forecasts 2010 total new clean energy investments at $180-$200 billion. See the Bloomberg New Energy Finance press release and the Tesla press release. California’s Ivanpah Solar Project Moves Forward On August 12, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a power purchase […]
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The Green Week in Review is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King. It’s posted every Friday morning and is about 15 minutes long. You can listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable media player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer each week. In this week’s show… Feds Take $1.5B From Cleantech Loan Guarantee Program Governor Races Could Be Make-or-Break For U.S. Climate Efforts GAO e-Waste Report Misses the Mark on Basel Convention Plus, a summary of the week’s top cleantech headlines. ++++ Email comments or questions to bart@sustainablebusiness.com
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