Vermont Shoots For 55% Renewable Energy in Two Years, While Wisconsin Fires Climate Scientists
Vermont is leading again with forward-thinking policies, while Wisconsin refocuses its environmental department on promoting hunting and fishing.
Vermont is leading again with forward-thinking policies, while Wisconsin refocuses its environmental department on promoting hunting and fishing.
Virgin Earth Challenge has identified 11 finalists, but is still looking for the winner.
As state legislators try to kill renewable energy once again, a wealthy Republican joins the fight for the future.
This is the first time the G7 announced climate targets, and South Africa gets 10% of electricity from renewables, adding over 4 GW in four years.
The rate of global warming during the last 15 years has been as fast or faster than in previous decades, says NOAA.
Even that's not enough, but it forms the basis we need for bigger cuts after the Paris Climate Summit.
Within 10 years, baseload wind and/or solar energy will cost less than coal in every country, and oil and gas too.
The tide has turned against tar sands pipelines in Canada, but a spiderweb network is growing in the US, leading to a major protest this weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota.
After leasing public land that holds 2.2 billion tons of coal, the government plans to quintriple that.
If you think no movement has ever faced apocalyptic challenges before, and won, then read this about the Nuclear Freeze campaign.