Organic Farming Internship

Published on: October 2, 2006

Smokey House Center Published: October 2, 2006
Skill Level
Internship / Volunteer, Internship / Volunteer
Job Type
Education / Farm / Organics

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Positions available for spring 2007

Smokey House Center is a nonprofit organization that partners with public schools to provide adolescents with a hands-on, environmentally-based curriculum that integrates academic disciplines. At Smokey House, young people work with experienced adults on ecological research and farm and forestry tasks - - learning, in the process, science, math, ecology, communications, reading, writing, problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. We offer two applied-learning programs -- our Youthwork Program for at-risk high school students and our Environmental Field Studies Program for mainstream and at-risk middle school students. 

About our Internships: 

We believe a good internship involves a careful match between what we need done and what the intern is interested in learning. We work with each intern to develop an internship that will meet your individualized learning goals.

We offer two types of internships:

· Educational Internships provide an introduction to hands-on, integrated teaching. Educational internships emphasize teaching students using a variety of research and farming tasks.

· Organic Farming Internships provide hands-on experience in a variety of organic farming techniques while working independently and with students.

Most of our internships are semester-long, full-time positions but part-time internships and internships that are longer or shorter are also possible.

Organic Farming Internship:

Organic Farming Interns work independently and alongside youth crews in the everyday operation of Smokey House's diversified organic farm. We are looking for one or more Organic Farming Interns to assist in sheep husbandry, maple sugaring, and organic gardening.

In the late winter and early spring, Organic Farming Interns assist our shepherd in caring for the flock as they give birth to new lambs. Organic Farming interns also assist in the many aspects of maple syrup production, from tapping the trees to canning the syrup. In the late spring much of the work will focus on the 1.5 acre organic vegetable garden which supply a 30 member CSA program and weekly farmer's market sales.

Interns will learn about soil preparation, seeding, transplanting, weed and pest control, and greenhouse management as they assist in carrying out these tasks. Other work may include, but not be limited to, blueberry cultivation, landscaping, and Christmas tree care.

Spring Organic Farming Internships begin in late January or February and run through April or May. Continuation of an internship through the summer may be possible.

Qualifications for internships: genuine desire to work with youth, good oral and written communication skills, willingness to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Some background in the natural sciences, carpentry, forestry, or agriculture helpful but not necessary. For interns over 21, a driver's license in good standing is also helpful. 

Compensation: Housing and a stipend of $130/week. 

For more information and an application visit our web site or contact Joe Przypek. 

Smokey House Center,
426 Danby Mountain Rd.
Danby, VT 05739

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