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~ Lake Superior State University (LSSU) is a small (<2,500 undergraduate students) state university located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. ~
The campus sits on the St. Marys River, the sole outflow of Lake Superior, and provides numerous educational and professional opportunities in fisheries and aquatic ecology along the lakes and river, as well as at LSSU’s Hunt Creek Field Station. Additionally, LSSU is surrounded by three Great Lakes and many state, provincial, and national forests and parks that provide tremendous recreational opportunities and a high quality of life.
Position Overview
LSSU seeks qualified applicants for a tenure track faculty position in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology starting in late August 2019. Responsibilities include teaching at least 9 contract hours of core courses in the Fisheries and Wildlife Management degree program each semester (e.g., Field Biology, Ichthyology, Freshwater Fish Culture, Limnology labs, Principles of Watersheds). These are upper level courses and enrollment for each is generally < 30 students. In addition, this position includes 3 contract hours of release to develop research integrating undergraduate students at LSSU’s new Center for Freshwater Research and Education (CFRE).
Success of SNRE students stems from extensive interaction with faculty during hands-on labs, student research, and active student organizations. Fisheries and Wildlife students are required to complete senior thesis research and they are encouraged to present their research at regional and national scientific conferences. Faculty also work closely in advising student clubs, including the nationally recognized Fisheries and Wildlife Club (student sub-unit of the American Fisheries Society). The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to university service, including advising student organizations.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Doctoral degree in Fisheries Science, Aquatic Ecology or closely related discipline appropriate to the assignment is required at the time of appointment.
- The successful applicant should have previous teaching experience and demonstrated excellence in research.
Desired Qualifications:
- Familiarity with cold-water systems and the Great Lakes, and an interest in including undergraduates in research and providing professional opportunities for students outside of class.
Preferred Qualifications:
- Doctoral degree in Fisheries Science, Aquatic Ecology or closely related discipline appropriate to the assignment.
- The successful applicant should have previous teaching experience, demonstrated excellence in research, familiarity with cold-water systems, and an interest in including undergraduates in research and providing professional opportunities for students outside of class
Additional Information
The School of Natural Resources and Extension (SNRE) provides exceptional lab facilities, specimens, and equipment for fisheries and aquatic science education and research. The CFRE Fish Hatchery houses a student-run Atlantic salmon hatchery, providing hands-on classroom opportunities, and the new Barch CFRE building is expected to be constructed and open in 2020.
The Barch CFRE will provide expanded research facilities, including an analytical lab and experimental mesocosms, along with a Great Lakes visitors center and discovery center for K-12 education, all along the shores of the St. Marys River. The new facility will be uniquely positioned to build partnerships to advance Great Lakes education, research, and community engagement in the region. This new position will play a key role in contributing to the growth of the CFRE and related undergraduate opportunities.