Assistant Professor in Atmospheric Science, Climatologist

Published on: November 20, 2017

University of Kansas Published: November 20, 2017
Lawrence, Kansas
Skill Level
Mid Level
Job Type
Analyst / Research / Education / Scientific
(Number of Job Posting Views: 4)

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~ Geography as an academic discipline studies the spatial dimensions of, and links between, culture, society and environmental processes. ~

At the University of Kansas our main goal is to understand human actions in specific regional settings, and how these actions affect the physical environments in the past, present and future.

Within this broad goal, the KU Geography and Atmospheric Science Department focuses on research and education related to global environmental and climate change and how this can be documented through the use of remote sensing and geographic data assimilation techniques; understanding of regional culture and development in North America, Africa, East Asia, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Latin America; and improved use of Geographical Information Science (GIScience) techniques to represent, understand, and communicate data and knowledge over a wide range of spatial scales. We endeavor to meet these goals through teaching, research and outreach to the larger community.

The department has a strong reputation for teaching excellence as reflected by six Kemper teaching awards held by the faculty. Our teaching program reflects the departmental foci, with a B.A. degree emphasizing cultural and regional geography, and B.S. degrees focused on atmospheric and surface processes. We view graduate studies as the interface between research and education where we develop students’ research and teaching skills. Combining a thorough grounding in basic geographic and spatial analysis principles within a cross-disciplinary framework that bridges the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences, we aim to develop future leaders for society.

Position Overview

The University of Kansas seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in Atmospheric Science. This position is a full-time, academic year appointment. The faculty member will participate in the teaching mission of the Geography and Atmospheric Science Department, including teaching established courses at the introductory level (e.g., ATMO 321: Climate and Climate Change); conduct research in climate science leading to publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals and to obtain external funding as appropriate; and engage in unit, College, University, and national service. A Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science or related discipline is expected by the start date of appointment. The successful candidate for the position must be eligible to work in the U.S. prior to the start of the position.

The University of Kansas is especially interested in hiring faculty members who can contribute to the community of diversity in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and four key campus-wide strategic initiatives: (1) Sustaining the Planet, Powering the World: (2) Promoting Well-Being, Finding Cures; (3) Building Communities, Expanding Opportunities; and (4) Harnessing Information, Multiplying Knowledge. For more information, see


40% Research:

  • Conduct research in the area of climate science. Tenure-track faculty members are expected to develop and maintain an active research program, which gains national recognition and is advanced substantially beyond the level of the Ph.D. dissertation.
  • It should provide solid evidence that the faculty member is a dedicated scholar whose research will continue to develop in depth and importance throughout his or her career.
  • Tenure-track faculty members are expected to publish in peer-reviewed journals and to present findings at professional conferences.

40% Teaching/Advising:

  • Teach 4 courses/academic year in the Geography and Atmospheric Science department; courses may be cross-listed or cross-referenced with other departments.
  • One course equivalency may be dedicated in the overall teaching effort of responsibilities for this position to specific curricular reform and development.
  • Develop curricular programs (e.g., courses in climate science) in atmospheric science.
  • Prepare for and attend all class meetings. In case of absence, faculty member must make arrangements for a substitute to teach class. Classes should not be canceled.
  • Develop assignments, administer tests, evaluate student work, provide feedback to students, and assign grades.
  • Hold regular office hours for students involved in classes taught.
  • A minimum of three posted office hours each week is required.
  • Be available for reasonable appointments if a student cannot meet during scheduled office hours.
  • Adhere to program, College, and University policies.
  • All faculty members are expected to be active in advising.
  • All faculty members are to take their teaching and advising responsibilities seriously and to strive for excellence in the classroom.

20% Service:

  • Tenure-track faculty are expected to participate in appropriate professional activities, such as attending program meetings, carrying out program committee assignments, attending national meetings or conferences, and refereeing or reviewing manuscripts for research journals and grant proposals.
  • Service to the College and University is also expected, and to the greater profession at-large.


  • All faculty members are expected to act in a manner that promotes collegial relationships and shows respect toward students, staff, and colleagues.
  • Faculty members are expected to meet satisfactory standards of performance in all three areas of responsibility and to carry out those responsibilities in accordance with the Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.


  • Evaluation of the following requirements will be made through: (a) descriptions of research agenda and teaching philosophy in letter of application, (b) record of accomplishments and productivity included in curriculum vitae, and (c) information provided from three professional references.
  • Ph.D. in atmospheric science or related field is expected by the start date of appointment.
  • Demonstrated ability to teach beginning and advanced courses in specialty.
  • Demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching atmospheric science courses, as evidenced by teaching philosophy statement and/or reference letters on teaching.
  • Demonstrated commitment to excellence in research as evidenced by graduate coursework, dissertation research, publications, and/or externally funded research grants.

Compensation: Advertised Salary Range Commensurate with education and experience

To Apply

Please click "Apply on Company Website" below. A complete online application includes the following materials: cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement, a teaching statement, and the names and contact information for three professional references.

Initial review of applications will begin December 15, 2017 and will continue as long as needed. Anticipated Start Date 18-Aug-2018.

Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science
213 Lindley Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045

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