CA Company Licenses Biofuel Technology for Dead Trees
Pyrolysis technique developed at UGA produces low-sulfur biofuel and
Pyrolysis technique developed at UGA produces low-sulfur biofuel and
The standards would boost fuel economy and set the first national tailpipe standard for heat-trapping
California governor moves quickly on his promise to raise the quota for renewable
Four investment groups join together in call for immediate action on global climate
With assistance, developing countries can shift to lower-carbon paths while promoting development and reducing poverty, World Bank report
Last year Spain drastically cut subsidies for photovoltaic power but left solar thermal subsidies in place. A Reuters piece looks at the currrent
Four thermal megawatt concentrating solar plant is expected to boost efficiency of traditional power plant and reduce CO2
Wind turbine maker also joins Norwegian research into floating platforms for offshore
TMO Renewables has developed a plug in unit to convert byproduct into additional