Harness the Market for the Environment
Worldwatch Institute has released a study, The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for Environment. While ending unnecessary subsidies to the …
Worldwatch Institute has released a study, The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for Environment. While ending unnecessary subsidies to the …
For the first time, the environment was prominent on the agenda of the Caribbean Hotel Industry Conference. It was standing room only at the Environmental …
The Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) is directing its message to the top CEOs of Fortune 1000 companies. BRBA, part of the National Recycling Coalition, …
As a result of a World Bank initiative, 10 countries committed funds to help close Russia’s production facilities for CFCs and halons by the year 2000. …
Created by EPA’s Office of Policy, Climate Change Impact Sheets detail the potential effects of climate change by state. Impacts on state climate, human …
Keep America Beautiful Inc. presented Ford with the 1998 Vision for America award which honors achievements in recycling and use of recycled-content materials …
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) working group news: Brazil The working group has produced initial documents outlining national criteria and indicators for the …
Of the 2,800 most widely-used chemicals, complete data on health effects is available for only 7 percent. The Chemical Manufacturers Association as agreed to …
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), will provide comprehensive coverage of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate …