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The Two Faces of the Auto Industry

As they visibly step up efforts to release alternative fuel vehicles, major automakers continue to buck attempts to control emissions. Nine auto makers, …

Guide to Smart Economic Development

The Awahnee Principles for Smart Economic Development: An Implementation Guidebook offers concrete examples to integrate social, economic and environmental …

Car Co-ops: Drive it, Don't Own It

The stress and expense of owning a car could be at an end for those choosing a new way of getting around: car co-ops. Car co-ops have caught on in Europe …

1999 Shareholder Resolutions

Shareholder activism has been gaining ground, with the number of resolutions coming to vote increasing by almost 20 percent from 1997-1998. Some of the …

The Other Food Group: Pesticides!

The Environmental Working Group has an interactive website which allows you to enter the food you eat and find out the Unsustainable businesses you support. …

Edison Invests in PV

Southern California Edison, a regulated subsidiary of Edison International, is one of three major investor-owned utilities in California and has experimented …