IBM Goes Green with Recycled PCs
IBM is manufacturing the first desktop PCs in which all the major plastic parts contain 100 percent recycled material. One of the eight parts it is building …
IBM is manufacturing the first desktop PCs in which all the major plastic parts contain 100 percent recycled material. One of the eight parts it is building …
Is there someone you know who would benefit from a basic understanding of renewable energy and energy efficiency? Students, policy makers etc. may benefit from …
Riverside Eco-Park, in the pre-development phase, will be 10,000 square feet of business incubator/office space and 50,000 square feet of bioshelter …
The Canadian government is holding Parliamentary Hearings on the World Trade Organization and the potential new Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. Public …
The New Jersey utility restructuring law includes a Renewable Portfolio Standard of 3% by 2001, rising to 6.5% by 2012. A “benefits charge” on each …
Long thought of as “great idea, but will never happen”, green taxes are coming closer to becoming reality. Now there’s an email newsletter …
Several countries are experimenting with wave power – Scotland, UK, and Japan. Wave power prices have been cut almost by half since about 10 years ago, …
A new group is in the formation stage: The Environmental Industry Coalition (EIC) of the United States. Its mission is to serve as a unified single voice for …
The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements unveiled its accreditation seal at the Bio Fach organic trade conference in Nuremburg, Germany …