Canada's Environmental Industry Totals
Statistics Canada reports that 1997 figures for environmental goods and services in Canada equals C$22.2 Billion. 5,650 environmental companies operate in …
Statistics Canada reports that 1997 figures for environmental goods and services in Canada equals C$22.2 Billion. 5,650 environmental companies operate in …
How much and what kind of emissions do you avoid when you use PVs or solar water heaters? Plug in the state you live in and this U.S. EPA website will tell you …
With strong support from the Clinton administration, the U.S. EPA is charging ahead. According to its 1998 fiscal report, enforcement is at near record highs. …
The Environment Industry Expertise Database, part of EnviroNET Australia, lists Australian companies and government organizations that provide technologies, …
Metallic Power, founded in 1995 and based in Carlsbad, California, is introducing zinc/air fuel cells as the solution for quiet, reliable zero-emission …
A Pacific Institute study of government data demonstrates that environmental indicators in the areas of air and water pollution, toxic releases, and resources …
Want to know where the wind energy projects are going up around the U.S.? Plug in your state on the American Wind Energy Association’s web site and …
On April 17, North Dakota’s Governor Schafer signed HB 1428 legalizing industrial hemp by decreeing, “any person in this state may plant, grow, …
Wind energy novices and experts can benefit from the Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association website tour. You can learn how a turbine works, how to …