Worldwide, Wind Energy Progresses
According to Danish wind consultants, BTM Consult ApS, world wind projects in the pipeline amount to $20 billion in revenue; leading installers come from …
According to Danish wind consultants, BTM Consult ApS, world wind projects in the pipeline amount to $20 billion in revenue; leading installers come from …
The Danish government is instituting Europe’s first tax on PVC. A voluntary agreement with industry in 1991 failed to achieve its goals. The government …
Despite intense lobbying by business, Philippine President Joseph Estrada signed a landmark Clean Air Act into law. Air pollution has reached alarming levels, …
MMA International Fund has been added to Charles Schwab’s MarketManager International Portfolio, a fund of funds. Cynthia Liu, Schwab SVP, describes …
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy reports that for the first year since 1991, energy-related carbon emissions did not rise. They remained …
In a June 3 Executive Order, President Clinton directed federal agencies to cut energy use 35 percent by 2010 compared to 1985 levels, expanding the current …
SGS International Certification Services Canada certified Toronto’s Pearson International Airport as the first in North America to receive 14001 …
Just two weeks before appropriation committees of the U.S. House and Senate voted to cut DOE’s programs for renewable energy and energy efficiency, and …
The Brazilian Agriculture Ministry approved five varieties of genetically modified soybeans made by Monsanto, a significant decision considering the country is …