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Progressive's Sustainability Mutual Fund

This September, Progressive Investment Management launched Portfolio 21, the first U.S mutual fund that consists of companies chosen for their leadership and …

RETScreen Your Way to Renewable Energy

Does using renewable energy, or a particular type of renewable energy, make sense in a given situation? Making a preliminary assessment is quick and convenient …

Ectel's Mobile Phone Take-Back Program

Every time you switch mobile phone companies you are given a new telephone. The European Union is looking at take-back programs for the millions of discarded …

Reusable Office Furniture & Textiles

Three online directories can help you locate recycled office furniture dealers in your area. ReSources.com lists brokers of used, refurbished and …

Top Five Eco-Performer Computer Makers

Dell Computer is the most environmentally sensitive computer manufacturer and IBM is number two according to Innovest Strategic Value Advisors. The others in …

Desmond Tutu Joins The Natural Step

In May, just a few weeks after receiving their country license from The Natural Step International Board, TNS South Africa learned that Desmond Tutu agreed to …

GMO Resistance Yields Results

Monsanto is far from giving up on GMOs, but in response to world-wide pressure the company decided to halt its efforts to commercialize Terminator seeds. The …