Colorado Leads the Nation in Green Homes
More than $1 billion worth of “green” homes have been built in Colorado during the past two years, far outpacing any other state. About 3,500 green …
More than $1 billion worth of “green” homes have been built in Colorado during the past two years, far outpacing any other state. About 3,500 green …
This January, The Low Impact Hydropower Institute will certify hydro facilities that meet “stringent criteria for protection of environmental …
In September, New York State announced it would sue 17 coal burning power plants in five states for clean air violations. Now, for the first time, the federal …
President Clinton announced that as of January 1, 2000 companies will be required to report the release of even small amounts of 27 persistent, bioaccumulative …
Green architects dream of a client with deep pockets, impeccable taste, imagination, an open mind and a healthy respect for the environment. Lucas Letterman …
The EU Council of Environment Ministers formally accepted commitments from the Japanese and Korean auto manufacturers associations to cut CO2 emissions from …
Rocky Mountain Institute has been building industry acceptance for its Hypercar concept since 1991. Its ultralight, ultra-low-drag body with hybrid-electric …
In Canada, Ontario Power Generation Inc.(OPG) completed the worlds largest spot trade in greenhouse gas emission reduction credits. It purchased credits from …
Last month, we highlighted Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Technologies which is opening 300 energy retail stores across India. Enersol Associates, Inc., a …