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U.S. Government Sues Power Plants

In September, New York State announced it would sue 17 coal burning power plants in five states for clean air violations. Now, for the first time, the federal …

Lucas Builds Green in the Presidio

Green architects dream of a client with deep pockets, impeccable taste, imagination, an open mind and a healthy respect for the environment. Lucas Letterman …

Hypercar Inc. Hits the Road

Rocky Mountain Institute has been building industry acceptance for its Hypercar concept since 1991. Its ultralight, ultra-low-drag body with hybrid-electric …

Emissions Trading Systems Make Headway

In Canada, Ontario Power Generation Inc.(OPG) completed the worlds largest spot trade in greenhouse gas emission reduction credits. It purchased credits from …

Bringing Solar to Rural Residents

Last month, we highlighted Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Technologies which is opening 300 energy retail stores across India. Enersol Associates, Inc., a …