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Sustainable Development Success Stories

The United Nations Sustainable Development Division has compiled SD success stories online in a concise, accessible format. For the year 2000, the stories …

BP Arctic Drilling Resolution Fails

Even though the BP Amoco shareholder resolution to stop oil exploration off the coast of Alaska failed, 13.5 percent of shareholders voted in favor it, which, …

Fuel Cells Pass Milestones

The three Ballard fuel cell buses that have been piloted in Chicago for the past two years have been pronounced a success by the company and the Chicago …

Students Vote For Wind Power

At the University of Colorado, the Student Union, Health Center, and Recreation Center will be running on wind power thanks to the largest student voter …

NOx Trading is Successful

Last year, a nitrogen oxide (NOx) trading program was conducted in the Northeast, marking the first time a market-based approach was used to reduce an emission …