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Can We Avoid Reducing Emissions?

Should carbon sequestation (using vegetation to absorb carbon) get the same credit as reducing emissions to meet a country’s Kyoto Protocol obligation? …

Bristol-Myers Squibb Tops Ranks #1

Bristol-Myers Squibb received the top environmental performance rating among the 23 U.S. pharmaceutical companies from Innovest Strategies Value Advisors. …

Recycled Paper Penetrates Europe

Use of recycled paper in Europe has increased by 55 percent since the early 1990s. Recycled paper now accounts for 25 percent of papermaking capacity in …

Ford Motor Co. Receives Recycling Award

Keep America Beautiful Inc. presented Ford with the 1998 Vision for America award which honors achievements in recycling and use of recycled-content materials …


Greening MBAs

How environmentally conscious are the nation’s top 50 business schools? Almost nine in 10 have one elective course in environmental management – …