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CEP Ranks the Cleanest Companies

The Council on Economic Priorities’s (CEP) Campaign for Cleaner Corporations ranks 200 U.S. companies in 14 industries on their environmental …

SONY & IBM Take-Back Programs Begin

SONY Electronics is launching the first plan in the U.S. to take-back its electronics equipment from individuals for recycling. During a successful pilot …


There's Always COP-6 Part II

The general tone was deep disappointment as the COP-6 climate change negotiations closed unresolved. Unfortunately, 183 governments need more than two weeks to …


Growth Getting Smarter in All 50 States

A new Sierra Club report profiles an example of a smart growth development project in every state in the U.S. Although sprawl remains a difficult problem, …

Investing in Fuel Cell Stocks?

Fuel cell companies have recently experienced the kind of meteoric rise in share price previously reserved for biotech and Internet stocks. But most fuel cell …

Brownfields Gain Acceptance

According to the ECS Land Reuse Report, “brownfields redevelopment is now a mainstream real estate trend.” The report looks at national and …

Natural Fiber Market Expands

One of the worlds leading automotive interior suppliers, Lear Corporation, will use kenaf, hemp, and jute to manufacture acrylic and polypropylene for interior …