ALEC Loses 107th Member, American Electric Power
Rather than fighting EPA's power plant regulations through ALEC, one of the biggest utilities finally views them as a good
Rather than fighting EPA's power plant regulations through ALEC, one of the biggest utilities finally views them as a good
One is Enlist Duo for GMO crops and the other kills bees and other
Green Banks will get $40 billion into clean energy in the next five years, but big banks urgently need to stop supporting coal.
That's what Putin called for in his annual speech to
This is yet another indication that we are seeing the end of the fossil fuel era, says
Finally, China and all top consuming countries are using less coal, which means global emissions will fall this
13 US states and three countries and Quebec signed this pledge, which would significantly cut emissions in the sector where they are growing the
China will cut power plant emissions 60% by 2020, and Africa is leapfrogging to renewable energy with an incredible goal of 300 GW by
Climate change and economic inequality are inextricably linked and together pose one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, says