Bush Admin Faces Suit Over Endangered Species Ruling
The Center for Biological Diversity has announced its intent to sue over a rule that recognizes ocean coral as an endangered species, but fails to protect its …
The Center for Biological Diversity has announced its intent to sue over a rule that recognizes ocean coral as an endangered species, but fails to protect its …
United Airlines is the first U.S. carrier to join the Asia and South Pacifice Initiative to Reduce
The United Kingdom is the first country in the world to pass a legally-binding framework for reducing greenhouse gas
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Two megawatt PV system is the first of in Southern California Edison's plan to install 250 MW of rooftop solar in southern
Hydro-electric plant in Northern Brazil is the group's 15th hydro-power project in the
International survey shows that people in rich and poor nations want action on climate
Renewable Energy Sources Act would require utilities to purchase renewable power from producers at a profitable
IBM's "Next Five in Five" report predicts that thin-film solar will soon turn common surfaces into energy