Sopogy To Develop 50-MW Solar Plant in Spain
U.S.-based company will employ its micro concentrator solar power system in joint
U.S.-based company will employ its micro concentrator solar power system in joint
Alberta Electric System Operator will recommend the construction of a 240 kilovolt (kV) loop system over the next ten years.
Toyota halts plant construction; first commercial hydrokinetic project receives approval; Signet solar announces New Mexico facility; and
Two new appointees are strong advocates for a vigorous response to climate
Contracts create favorable funding mechanism for energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation projects for federally owned
In addition to the environmental and cost benefits of LEDs, the technology is expected to enable a wide range of advances in areas as diverse as healthcare and …
U.S. battery makers have joined together in the hopes of competing with Asian companies for control of the power storage
Clean energy transmission lines are needed, but they aren't always
Imara, a maker of lithium-ion batteries emerged from stealth operations this