USDA, DOE Release National Biofuels Action Plan
Plan outlines interagency actions, federally supported research and development efforts.
Plan outlines interagency actions, federally supported research and development efforts.
Reuters held a three-day environmental summit to gather the ideas of leaders in industry and environmentalism.
Economic bailout package included a measure to create tax deductions for efficienct commercial buildings.
New "discussion draft" could be a positive sign that economic and environmental advocates in the House are coming to the negotiating table.
U.S. Geothermal industry will soon double 2006 energy capacity. Industry conference points to convergence of favorable conditions for development.
Market turmoil has apparently forced German solar company to cancel plans for public offering.
Boston-based company has received funding from the DOE and the State of Michigan.
Bio-innovator is working to develop enzymes to more efficiently produce cellulosic ethanol.
Apollo Solar's core expertise in maximizing solar energy harvest and providing energy storage capabilities in PV systems.
In a series of momentous votes, the European Union's environmental committee approved proposals to significantly tighten emissions trading.