Laidlaw Completes Biomass Acquisition
Acquisition of pulp mill clears the way for development of 66-megawatt biomass-to-energy project in New Hampshire.
Acquisition of pulp mill clears the way for development of 66-megawatt biomass-to-energy project in New Hampshire.
Smart meters now represent 4.7% of installed meters in the U.S., up from 1% in 2006.
New York City will begin testing designs for LED streetlights in 2009.
The Energy Star program now addresses every major residential appliance found in most American homes.
Governor Ted Kulongoski wants his state to switch to a GPS-based system for taxing mileage driven instead of gasoline consumed.
Representative Inglis of South Carolina and a former Reagan advisor say fiscal conservatives could support a carbon tax that is offset by cuts to payroll or income taxes.
Lithium-ion battery maker has applied for funding under the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Incentive Program (ATVMIP).
Reports surfaced again this week about Toyota and solar-powered vehicles.
A biofuel blend of 50:50 jatropha and Jet A1 fuel was used to power test flight.
Venture Capital firm will collaborate with Hawaiian Electric Company to test and develop startup technology.