Full Steam Ahead On Antarctic Ice Melt
Scientists believe it will melt slowly, but as is the case for climate change impacts generally, this too is occurring much faster than predicted.
Scientists believe it will melt slowly, but as is the case for climate change impacts generally, this too is occurring much faster than predicted.
He also called for a new kind of Clean Energy Standard that prioritizes efficiency as the first fuel, followed by zero-emission fuels, solar and wind.
6.5 million people are employed worldwide, with solar PV way in the lead - not bad for a relatively new industry!
That figure is 22% higher than just two years ago because of bleak progress, says the International Energy Agency.
The IRS will soon tweak the tax code to allow REITs for renewable energy, among other actions.
Founded by developing countries, the World Nature Organization has the biggest of missions - to preserve the natural conditions for life.
Although dangers to birds and bees continue, innovative programs like Precision Conservation are helping.
A 30-foot high vase-like structure literally draws water from the air, bringing clean water to developing countries.
The US Department of Energy will release its Wind Vision initiative this fall and announced three more demonstration projects in offshore wind.
NY is the first state to take the challenge head-on, incentives for utilities to change their business model toward efficiency and renewable energy.