U.S. Installed Solar Capacity Increased 17% in 2008 – Report
A third year of record growth increased nationwide installed capacity to 8,775 megawatts.
A third year of record growth increased nationwide installed capacity to 8,775 megawatts.
Demand for emission permits remains strong in first auction since the start of mandatory compliance.
First comprehensive report on U.S. bird population highlights extinction threats and conservation successes.
Analysts New Carbon Finance said lower economic growth forecasts have reduced by half the cost of meeting the European Union's carbon emissions reduction goal.
Slim margin of foters turn down Measure B for rooftop solar installations.
California-based rooftop solar company receives offer for first renewable energy loan guarantee under the new stimulus act.
Industrial-scale cellulosic ethanol facility is scheduled for completion in 2Q09.
Stellarwind Bio Energy opens a small scale pilot production facility and corporate headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana.
National expands its portfolio of power optimization technologies.
by Sam Jones It should be no surprise that the state of our financial and economic worlds are approaching perfect symmetry with the mid 70’s. In 1974, we saw unfathomable federal bailouts, massive bank failures (many more than today), nationalization of the Savings and Loan institutions that were "too big to fail", the final phase of a losing war in Vietnam, historically low interest rates and yes the bottom of a prolonged and painful period in stock market history dating back to 1965. At the depth of despair, we also had Watergate and Nixon’s resignation. The Economist ran a headline in the Fall of 1974, "US Stock Market Going to Hell." Within one week, the markets bottomed and moved higher for 25 years. For this discussion, I want to focus on the period between 1974 and 1982. Financial market academics know this period was one of the very deepest and toughest economic cycles next to the Great Depression in US history. During this period, hopeless indices were created like the Misery Index – which simply added the unemployment rate to the inflation rate. Here’s a list of several major events that marked extremes. Pay special attention to their timing and […]