Gray Wolves Delisted
Fish and Wildlife Service expecting law suits from both sides of the issue.
Fish and Wildlife Service expecting law suits from both sides of the issue.
Retrofit of Empire State Building to Slash Energy Use by 38% Progressive Automotive X Prize Names 111 Registered Teams Chrysler Selects A123Systems for EV Batteries Offshore Wind Energy Could Power the Country Geodynamics Proves Viability of Enhanced Geothermal Systems Today’s Low Oil Prices are Slowing Supply Growth Energy Star Partners and Retailers Recognized Retrofit of Empire State Building to Slash Energy Use by 38% A unique team of private companies and non-profit organizations has devised an energy retrofit for the Empire State Building that will reduce its energy use by 38%, including a 33% reduction in cooling load and a 3.5-megawatt reduction in peak electrical demand. The retrofit project, a small part of a $500 million upgrade for the New York City landmark, will reduce energy loads by upgrading windows and lighting and by adding radiative barriers behind the radiators. To deliver the remaining energy more efficiently, the retrofit will upgrade some of the chillers for the building while removing others, and it will install new variable-speed air handling units. And to better control energy delivery, the retrofit will add demand-control ventilation and tenant energy management systems, while also upgrading energy controls and meters for the building as a whole. […]
Atlanta-based solar company to install up to 10 MW of solar power at major redevelopment.
Announcement about expansion of wind farm in Illinois is first big development news from the sector in weeks.
Operations halted just days after production began at the new plant in Moses Lake, Wasington.
Nanotech company to develop new water treatment solutions in collaboration with experienced industry member.
By Bart King When it comes to climate change, every potential solution seems to have a downside. For example, biofuels that could offset petroleum divert food stocks and/or have the potential to degrade ecosystems. Solar power is intermittent, requires the production of toxic materials and gases, and is still prohibitively expensive. And wind turbines are considered an eyesore by many and a threat to winged wildlife by others. However, biochar might be different. Despite a rather unpleasant name, which calls to mind road kill on hot summer day, it has refreshingly unspoiled promise. Admittedly, research into the production and use of biochar—also known as agrichar—is not yet widespread. It could still prove to be a bad idea—producing, for example, a breed of oversized zombie earthworms. But so far things look good. Simplicity is its greatest virtue. First of all, biochar is just another name for charcoal. It’s produced by burning any biomass under high temperatures and with very little oxygen—a process called pyrolysis. Roughly half of the carbon from wood chips, manure or crop residues fed into the oven is converted into synthetic gas or bio oil, which can be used as fuel or in co-products like cosmetics. The remaining […]
Representative Henry Waxman's climate bill creates a renewable energy standard and a cap-and-trade system, but it short on details.
Shareholder group led by Bard College threatened fast food chain with a shareholder resolution.
DOE: $3.2B in Energy Efficiency Block Grants Cathy Zoi Nominated for the Assistant Secretary of EERE Obama Launches International Climate Forum Fuel Economy Standards Raised 2 mpg for Model Year 2011 Tesla Motors Unveils All-Electric Sedan 2010 Honda Insight Goes on Sale, Under $20,000 EIA: High Oil Prices, GHG Controls Helps Clean Energy DOE to Award $3.2 Billion in Energy Efficiency Block Grants DOE announced last week that it plans to invest $3.2 billion in energy efficiency and conservation projects in U.S. cities, counties, states, territories, and tribal lands. The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will provide formula grants for projects that improve energy efficiency and reduce fossil fuel emissions. Funding is based on a formula that accounts for population and energy use, and to ensure accountability, DOE will provide guidance to grant recipients and require them to report on the number of jobs created or retained, energy saved, renewable energy capacity installed, greenhouse gas emissions reduced, and funds leveraged. The funding will support energy audits and energy efficiency retrofits in residential and commercial buildings, the development and implementation of advanced building codes and inspections, and the creation of financial […]