EveryBody's Talking Smart Grid


Climate change, cap and trade, and carbon taxes seem to be "dirty words" to be avoided, but there’s one term everyone seems to like – Smart Grid. Among the multinationals jumping on the smart grid bandwagon are IBM, GE, AT&T, Intel and Google, which are developing in-house technologies as well as investing in leading development stage companies. Check out GE Energy’s online ad, which promotes its Smart Grid wind turbine technology. Activate your computer’s webcam and face it toward the solar panel or wind turbine icon, and the smart grid opens on your screen. Blow into your computer’s microphone to make the turbines spin faster. GE may be getting a little ahead of what the smart grid can do at this early stage, but clearly there’s a lot of excitement about it. Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO calls the smart grid one of the company’s most important growth initiatives. The development of the Smart Grid is being compared in importance to the transcontinental railroad, the interstate highway system and the Internet, and is expected to spawn companies that rival Microsoft and Google. What the Smart Grid Will Do When we talk about a smart grid, we’re basically talking about modernizing the […]

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