Wacker Schott Solar Opens Silicon Facility
Germany facility for silicon ingots expected to expand to 1GW capacity by 2012.
Germany facility for silicon ingots expected to expand to 1GW capacity by 2012.
Australian energy technology company to take over largest solar plant in the southern hemisphere.
Renewable energy developer plans to place solar at the base of wind turbines for "double harvesting."
Sotomayor's 2007 environmental ruling garnered praise, despite its eventual overturn.
Administrator Lisa Jackson pledged to speed up long-delayed scientific review of toxic threats posed by dioxins.
China said rich nation's emissions cuts could be averaged and that specific negotiations could extend beyond December Copenhagen deadline.
New PEW Center analysis finds that impacts on energy-intensive industries can be addressed through targeted policies.
Chris Gregoire issued an executive order to cut greenhouse gas emissions after the state's legislature refused to adopt a cap-and-trade program.
Chrysler submitted a cost-share proposal to DOE for building an electrified fleet and manufacturing facility in Michigan.
Solar company said shipments increased in 1Q and will continue to do so in 2Q and 3Q.