Ford, Nissan, Tesla To Receive $8B in Fed Loans
President Obama announced the first round of loans made under the DOE's Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program.
President Obama announced the first round of loans made under the DOE's Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program.
Long-range plans call for a joint venture to develop off-grid systems in the Middle East, Latin America and other developing regions.
GE Energy Financial Services is lining up renewable energy projects, but won't move until feds clarify loan guarantees.
Cash and equity deal worth more than US$3 billion.
Flagship Farms initiative aims to raise awareness of best farming practices.
National Institute of Standards and Technology released a report proposing priorities for developing technical standards for a U.S. Smart Grid.
States granted combined $48 million under State Energy Program of the Recovery Act.
6-3 ruling issued Tuesday sets dangerous precedent for expanded definition of 'fill.'
Congressional Budget Office released a report projecting low increases in household costs under cap-and-trade bill.
DOE awarded $795 million contract to construct a biomass cogeneration facility and two smaller biomass heating facilities.