Court Overturns Bush Pollution Rules
Federal court found that EPA rules created illegal loopholes for power plants and other pollution sources.
Federal court found that EPA rules created illegal loopholes for power plants and other pollution sources.
Funding will go towards concentration solar power systems capable of storing and deliverin power 18 hours a day.
The Global Reporting Initiative said more than 1000 organizations worldwide issued sustainability reports in 2008.
UK sets 2020 goal for 31% renewable energy.
GTO Resources, Polaris Geothermal, Western GeoPower and Ram Power will combine into a single, public company.
Mazda plans to introduce a hybrid vehicle by 2013.
As a first step, Mitsubishi acquired a 34% share of Acciona's Amper Central Solar S.A.
Seambiotic will collaborate with researchers at NASA Glenn Research Center.
US Signs Agreement with China on Building Energy Efficiency At Half-Way Point, 2009 is 5th Warmest Year on Record DOE: $52.5M for Concentrating Solar Research DOE: $162M for Clean Energy in Six States and Puerto Rico DOE: $13.8M to 28 Wind Projects DOE: $21.4 M for Community Renewables Projects DOE: $63M for Weatherization in Indiana, New Mexico DOE: $47M for Smart Grid US Signs Agreement with China on Building Energy Efficiency DOE and the Chinese Ministry of Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) signed an agreement July 15 to foster collaboration on the development of more efficient building designs. The US and China will exchange experts to share efficient building technologies, including high-performance heating and cooling, insulation, lighting, cold storage, geothermal heat pumps, building-integrated solar power, and solar thermal systems. The two nations will also explore the feasibility of developing a shared project in China to demonstrate green buildings, building energy savings, and renewable energy technologies. The US and China recognize that improving energy efficiency in buildings benefits both nations, and that by working in tandem, they can accelerate the adoption of new clean energy technologies. An additional focus of the pact is the development of sustainable communities that rely heavily on the […]
G8 and Major Economy Leaders Agree to Slash Greenhouse Emissions DOE, Treasury Provide Guidance on Direct Payments for Renewable Projects DOE: $300M for State Rebates on Energy Star Appliances DOE: $448M for Weatherization Programs in 13 States DOE: $141M for Clean Energy in Five States, One Territory Renewable Energy Standards Advance in Four States Economic Downturn Cuts U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Drilling by Half G8 and Major Economy Leaders Agree to Slash Greenhouse Emissions The leaders of the world’s countries with the largest economies, including the US and the European Union, have agreed to slash global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, with the intent to hold global warming at less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. At last week’s meeting of the Group of Eight (G8) industrialized nations, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the US, the nations’ leaders agreed that developed countries should reduce their aggregate GHG emissions to at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, while the world as a whole should cut its GHG emissions in half. The G8 leaders acknowledged the 2°C limit and recognized that global GHG emissions "need to peak as soon as possible and […]