Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: July 29, 2009

US, China to Cooperate on Climate Change & Energy Global Clean Energy Investment Nearly Doubles in Q2 DOE-Funded Clean Energy Research Projects Win 19 R&D 100 Awards DOE, USDA to Award $6.3M for Biofuels Research DOE Awards $54M for State Energy Programs in 4 States "Cash for Clunkers" Program Gets Rolling Editor’s Note: DOE and the Bureau of Land Management extended the public comment period on solar energy study areas until September 14. See our recent article, the BLM press release on the extension, and the website for the Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. We also updated two recent stories on wind power and geothermal heat pumps to include detailed information on Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). US and China to Cooperate on Climate Change & Energy The US and China signed an agreement on Tuesday to enhance cooperation between on climate change, energy, and the environment. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) elevates climate change in their relationship, committing them to reach an international agreement that addresses the problem. The MOU also expands cooperation between the two countries to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon global economy. Specifically, it lays the foundation for expanded cooperation in combating climate […]

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