DOE Announces $454M to 'Ramp Up' Energy Efficiency Retrofits
New program is designed to catalyze nationwide energy upgrades.
New program is designed to catalyze nationwide energy upgrades.
The world stands to gain 6.9 million jobs by 2030 in the clean energy sector if a strong Copenhagen deal is reached, according to Greenpeace and EREC.
The existing U.S. transportation law expires at the end of the month.
Itron to incorporate OpenPeak's in-home touchscreen unit into advanced metering infrastructure.
Chinese solar firm to commercialize technology developed in California.
Companies commit to 100,000 vehicles in Denmark and Israel by 2016.
JPMorgan is the fourth company this year to consider a takeover of EcoSecurities.
California governor's office said he will institute 33% renewables goal through a less complex executive order.
While noting it is only a first step, environmental groups commended EPA for its decision.
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) have generated $432.7 million in revenue since September of 2008.