Ozone Treaty Gains Universal Ratification
Montreal Protocol has been ratified by all 196 members of the U.N.
Montreal Protocol has been ratified by all 196 members of the U.N.
Bipartisan Policy Center recommends price controls for U.S. cap-and-trade market.
Prize will give $1 million to winner of hydrogen storage system for fuel-cell vehicles.
Activists block operations at Albera mine to draw attention to tar sands during Stephen Harper's visit to Washington.
IBM and Cisco announce smart grid initiatives; Xcel launches Boulder smart grid; and Duke chooses additional partners.
Portland, Maine-based company will receive funding for tidal projects in Alaska and Maine.
Pyrolysis technique developed at UGA produces low-sulfur biofuel and biochar.
The standards would boost fuel economy and set the first national tailpipe standard for heat-trapping emissions.
California governor moves quickly on his promise to raise the quota for renewable power.
Four investment groups join together in call for immediate action on global climate treaty.