Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: November 25, 2009

DOE: $104M for Efficiency-Related Facilities at National Labs DOE: $45M for Wind Turbine Test Facility in South Carolina DOE: $18M for Small Businesses Focused on Clean Energy DOE: $620M for Smart Grid, Energy Storage Projects FTC Proposes Output-Based Label for Light Bulbs Fuel Economy Reverses Long Downward Trend DOE Awards $104M for Efficiency-Related Facilities at National Labs On November 18, DOE announced its selection of eight energy efficiency test facilities to be built at seven of its national labs with the help of $104.7 million in ARRA funds. The facilities will support the development and improvement of energy efficiency technologies of strategic national interest. Specifically, the funding will go toward reducing production costs of carbon fiber manufacturing by reducing vehicle weight; improving efficiency and lowering costs for car batteries; and exploring advanced technologies for net-zero-energy buildings. The effort will leverage the combined intellectual and technical resources of DOE’s national labs. The eight national labs are in California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, New Mexico, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Fuel efficient, advanced vehicles will benefit from both the carbon fiber and battery projects. Carbon fiber composites are extremely strong and lightweight and have the potential to increase fuel economy by drastically reducing the […]

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