Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: December 9, 2009

Obama Proposes Home Energy Retrofit Program for Job Creation DOE, USDA: $564M for Biorefinery Projects DOE Launches Save Energy Now LEADER Program ARPA-E: $100M for Biofuel, Battery Research Commerce Dept to Speed Review of Green Technology Patents Energy Star Labels Prohibited on Some LG Refrigerators U.S. GHG Down 2.2% in 2008 Obama Proposes Home Energy Retrofit Program for Job Creation President Obama proposed a new rebate program on Tuesday to reward homeowners for making their homes more energy efficient, while also proposing additional federal investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. As part of a speech about jobs and the economy at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., he noted that home energy retrofits create jobs, save money for families, and reduce the pollution. He also called for aid to small businesses and new investments in infrastructure. Most of the president’s proposals require congressional approval. Obama’s job plan calls for an expansion of select ARRA initiatives that promote energy efficiency and clean energy jobs. He noted that a third of the Recovery Act is intended for investments "to put Americans to work doing the work that America needs done," such as doubling U.S. capacity for producing power from renewable energy. […]

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