Philips' Big Shift to LEDs
World's biggest lighting company sees surge in LEDs by 2015.
World's biggest lighting company sees surge in LEDs by 2015.
Bi-partisan Senate bill leaves out carbon dioxide.
Regardless of political affiliation, Americans support climate and energy policies.
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) lays a path to sustainable future led by corporations.
Measures in House bill passed last summer would reduce energy costs $113 billion by 2030, according to UCS.
Sea Shepherd says the Bob Barker was rammed by Japanese whaling ship.
Company has reached deals with agricultural cooperatives to host a total of 100MW of solar power.
Skyonic plans to begin building demonstration plant at cement factory later this year.
New Jersey-based company plans to expand workforce and product offerings.
Capstone also acquired rights to heat recovery generator made by Calnetix Power Solutions.