The Dark Side of Peru and Elsewhere .. For Environmental Activists


As world leaders negotiate a climate treaty in Peru this week, there’s an associated crisis that doesn’t make it into the news. Peru is the fourth most dangerous country for environmental activists, where at least 57 people have been murdered in the past 12 years. The most recent murder occurred September 1, when four indigenous activists were shot for trying to defend their forests … and thrown into a river. "The murders of Edwin Chota and his colleagues are tragic reminders of a paradox at work in the climate negotiations," says Patrick Alley, co-Founder of Global Witness. "While Peru’s government chairs negotiations on how to solve our climate crisis, it is failing to protect the people on the frontline of environmental protection. Environmental defenders embody the resolve we need to halt global warming. The message is clear, if you want to save the environment, then stop people killing environmental defenders." While Peru is taking some important steps on solar and passed climate legislation in 2012, illegal logging in the Amazon continues mostly unabated. Illegal loggers were charged with the murder of the 4 activists. Two Activists Murdered Each Week But the story is much bigger than that. Over the past […]

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